Proposal 39-20


The University Senate of Michigan Technological University
Proposal 39-20

(Voting Units: Academic)

Proposal to Change MS Degree Title from
“Industrial Archaeology” to “Industrial Heritage and Archaeology”

Department of Social Sciences

Contact: Hugh Gorman, Chair, Department of Social Sciences (

1. General description and characteristics: This proposal is to change the name of the Department of Social Science’s MS program in “Industrial Archaeology” to “Industrial Heritage and Archaeology.”

2. Related Programs: The new MS degree title will match the existing PhD degree program title “Industrial Heritage and Archaeology.” No other historical archaeology degree programs in the Great Lakes region focus on industrial heritage.

3. Rationale: Industrial heritage is an integral component of the Department of Social Sciences’ MS program in “Industrial Archaeology.” Hence, when the PhD program was established in 2004, building on the older MS program, the broader name “Industrial Heritage and Archaeology” was determined to be more accurate than “Industrial Archaeology.” Changing the title of the MS program would not only accurately convey the broader nature of the MS program but would also bring the title in alignment with the PhD program.

4. Accreditation Requirements: No additional accreditation requirements

5. Planned Implementation: The proposed change will be implemented in Fall 2020.

Approved by Dept. of Social Science faculty: October 23, 2019
Approved by CSA Dean: Dec. 7, 2019
Approved by Dean’s Council: Jan. 10, 2020
Approved by the University Senate: 3/25/20
Approved by Provost: 3/30/20

March 25, 2020