

Michigan Tech Transportation Institute


The Michigan Tech Transportation Institute will provide the operating structure, resources, recognition, and leadership, in a collaborative environment, that supports research, education, and outreach leading to sustainable solutions for transportation.


Partnering for the future of transportation.

July 1, 2010



Unless otherwise stated, annual or yearly references are based on the Michigan Technological University (Michigan Tech) fiscal year beginning on July 1 and ending June 30 of the following calendar year.


A Michigan Tech Transportation Institute (MTTI) Activity is defined as any externally-funded research, education, training, product development, outreach, or technology transfer project that is transportation-related, has been processed with a transmittal form indicating MTTI as the designated institute, and has been approved by the Michigan Tech Sponsored Programs Office (SPO). Internal Research and Development (IRAD) funding provided to MTTI is proportional to the indirect cost (IDC) recovered from MTTI Activities. The level of IDC recovery provided to the University helps define the level of membership described in the following section. Final approval for submission of a project as a MTTI Activity is the responsibility of the MTTI Director.

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