Karin Van Dyke

- kvandyke@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2464
- Alumni House 204
- Director for Charitable Giving
Karin Van Dyke is a proud Michigan Tech alumna, having graduated with a B.S. in Forestry/Forest
Management in 1978. She began her career in the forest products industry, with increasing
responsibilities in communications, public relations, and corporate philanthropy over
25 years. Subsequent career roles were in health care and higher ed leadership, including
human resources, communications, public relations, advancement, Foundations/grants,
and development.
Karin is part of a three-generation alumni family (three of whom have served on the
MTU Alumni Board – her father, herself, and her son). Her daughter is also an MTU
alum, as is her husband and his family.
She is an MTU Presidential Council of Alumnae charter member, College of Forestry
Honor Academy/Outstanding Alumni award, and the local Keweenaw area chapter. She “re-joined”
MTU in 2020 as part of the Advancement team and is honored to be here.
Links of Interest
- Meet with alumni and established donors to secure major gifts valued at $25,000 or greater
- Identify and develop key potential alumni/friends/donors as top prospects within portfolio
- Meet with prospects to determine their affinity and readiness, introduce strategic opportunities, and discuss gifting options for their consideration
- Present gift proposals that best represent the donor's intention and capacity
- Assist in the gift process, follow up, and stewardship of secured gift
- Represent CSA, CFRES, and Graduate School as areas of special concentration