This site was originally created by Michele M. Wood, an alumna of Michigan Tech.
It was maintained by Carol Asiala, former Research Scientist/Engineer, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, for Dr. Wayne Pennington, Professor Emeritus, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences.
Education Epicenter
Think of us as an education epicenter for the introductory basics you need to know about seismology. We work with teachers, students, and the general public, serving as an educational resource in a world-wide community of scientists. Speaking of communities, “UP” is also the abbreviation for our location in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.
UPSeis shares the science of seismology and earthquakes:
- Where and why earthquakes happen
- What kinds of problems earthquakes cause
- How do we use seismic waves to study earthquakes
Services to Schools
We bring a portable seismometer to area schools on a rotating basis.
Students and teachers learn to interpret seismic data and see for themselves where and when earthquakes occur around the globe.
Experts and Educators
- Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- gpwaite@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3554
- Dow 428
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Seismic source mechanisms of tectonic and volcanic earthquakes
- Mantle and crustal-scale seismic tomography
- The relationship of seismic anisotropy to fluids and strain
- Active-source investigations of magmatic systems
- Triggering of earthquakes by magmatic and hydrous fluid migration
- Relationship between shallow syneruptive volcanic earthquakes and degassing
- Associate Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- raskari@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2534
- Dow 621
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Environmental Geophysics
- Fracture Dynamics and its Induced Seismicity
- Characterization of Heat and Fluid Transport in Porous Media