Fourteen engineering fundamentals faculty and staff pose with MTUengineering T-shirts in front of the Keweenaw Waterway..

Engineering Starts Here!

In the Department of Engineering Fundamentals, our team of faculty and staff are passionate about helping you begin your journey—because a degree in engineering from Michigan Tech can take you anywhere.

First-Year Engineering

Every engineering student takes the same foundational courses, and their math placement is determined by the Department of Mathematics. If you are undecided, explore your future possibilities with Engineering Explorations. When you are ready, move into your engineering discipline major.

BS in Engineering

The Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE) program offers flexibility for a custom path with EngineeringPlus or an Individualized plan. Students may also follow a defined pathway in Systems Engineering or Business.

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“The thing I enjoy most about being a LEAP Leader is helping my students grow and find their place here at Michigan Tech.”Ryan Schwartz '24, mechanical engineering and engineering management (double major)
Students and aurora at the lake.