ESC Student Research Grants

The Ecosystem Science Center (ESC) solicits student  research grant proposals twice per year. This call is open to undergraduate and graduate students working with an ESC member on research related to the ESC mission to advance our understanding of how ecosystems function and how human activities influence ecosystem processes.  This call is  intended to give students an opportunity to gain experience in writing competitive grants and to gain experience in science by conducting their own research project.   Allowable costs include lab supplies, sample analysis fees, field equipment, personnel and travel to research sites.

Application Deadlines

  • Fall: First Friday of December (NOTICE: Fall 2023 deadline moved to Dec. 8)
  • Spring: Final Friday of March

Funding Amounts

  • Undergraduate students: up to $750
  • Graduate students: up to $1000


  • A student is eligible to receive a maximum of one research grant per academic year and must be working with an ESC member. Students who apply in December and are declined funding may re-apply in the spring. Students who have received funding in Spring may apply for funding in the following fall.
  • If you’ve been awarded an ESC research grant in the past year or have an open project from any year, you must fill out a Progress Report before you can be granted any monies for this year.
  • Research must be related to the interests of the ESC to advance our understanding of how ecosystems function and how human activities influence ecosystem processes. A statement of relatedness must be included in the project description as described in the detailed instructions.
  • ESC funds are for unfunded research initiatives. This includes projects without any current funding or it could be for additional work on a funded project. If the proposed work is connected to another project, please explain how the ESC funds will enable an expansion in scope of the funded project. 

Submission Instructions

Submit a proposal as outlined in the application instructions below to the Center Manger, Jeff Henquinet, at

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