
Enhance research, scholarship, entrepreneurship, innovation, and creative activities that promote sustainable economic prosperity, health and safety, ethical conduct, and responsible use of resources.

Scholarly Activity

Grow research, scholarship, and creativity.

  • Increase external support for research, scholarly, and creative activities, including leadership of interdisciplinary multi-institutional collaborations.
  • Promote, recognize, and reward scholarly excellence and accomplishment.
  • Encourage and support entrepreneurial and interdisciplinary activities.
  • Promote sharing and growth of research facilities, services, and infrastructure.

Economic and Social Development

Promote innovation and development for economic and social progress.

  • Advance interdisciplinary research to address problems of social significance.
  • Create a culture of responsible innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • Support workforce development and social engagement through collaborative outreach and technology transfer.
  • Encourage and support technology commercialization and start-up businesses.
  • Expand international and cross-cultural engagement with universities, industries, non-governmental organizations, and governments.
  • Foster social development and economic growth of our state and the local community.