Policy 701.1

Faculty Academic Appointments
(Proposal 4-95)

Senate Policy 701.1


Tenure Track Appointments
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR: An appointment requiring an earned doctoral or terminal degree or equivalent and the potential for excellence in teaching and research.

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR: An appointment requiring an earned doctoral or terminal degree or equivalent and demonstrated quality teaching, recognition for scholarly activities, and service to the university community.

PROFESSOR: An appointment requiring an earned doctoral or terminal degree or equivalent and demonstrated sustained quality teaching, wide recognition for scholarly activities, and substantial service to university and appropriate outside communities.

All tenure-track appointments entail full responsibility for teaching, performing research, advising students, and performing professional and University service.


NOTE: No changes in definitions shall be applied detrimentally to individuals employed at Michigan Tech as of January 25, 1995.

Adopted by Senate: January 25, 1995
Approved by President (with modifications): March 15, 1995 Modifications
Adopted by Senate: March 22, 1995
Approved by Board of Control: November 17, 1995
Replaced MTU with Michigan Tech per university policies: 28 January 2014