David F. Nitz

- dfnitz@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2274
- Fisher Hall 124D
- Professor Emeritus, Physics
- PhD, Physics, University of Rochester
My research interests focus on understanding the origin of the highest energy cosmic rays. Cosmic rays with energies in excess of 1020eV have been observed striking Earth's atmosphere; these particles are the most energetic known in our universe, with more than 100 million times the energy produced at the largest particle accelerator. We have no satisfactory understanding of the source or acceleration mechanisms of these highest energy cosmic rays.
The Pierre Auger Observatory is designed to detect and study cosmic rays at energies exceeding 1019eV with unprecedented quality and precision. With the Auger Project we hope to solve a 30-year-old astrophysical puzzle.
Links of Interest
- Experimental Particle Astrophysics