Safety Committees

4.0 Safety Committees

Safety committees review and approve certain activities that involve safety and health regulations and guidelines. Committees are composed of faculty and employees involved in the activity and other experts as required. Examples of these safety committees include:

Institutional Review Board (IRB)—For research or instructional projects involving the participation of human subjects. Required by federal law for research involving human subjects. The executive director of Research Integrity appoints members.

Institutional Biosafety Committee—For research, teaching, and testing involving recombinant DNA and other biological organisms and materials. Required by the National Institutes of Health. The executive director of Research Integrity appoints members.

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)—For testing or instructional projects involving the use of vertebrate animals (animal subjects). Required by federal law for research involving animal subjects. The executive director of Research Integrity appoints members.

Radiation Safety Committee—Required by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for possession or storage of licensed radioisotopes. Existing committee members appoint new members.

University Safety Advisory Council—Reviews safety, health, and environmental issues related to the University and makes recommendations to the Executive Director of Research Integrity. The executive director of Research Integrity appoints members.

Department Safety Committees—Large departments with complex safety, health, or environmental issues should have a department safety committee composed of employee/union and management representatives. These committees can perform area inspections, develop safe work practices and procedures, and host activities that enhance the department safety program. Each department determines membership.

Chapter 5