A student with two laptops, paper, pen


Data Sciences is an interdisciplinary program featuring faculty from across our campus. 

Biological Sciences

Chandrashekhar Joshi
"Cellulose is the fiber of human civilization."
  • Emeritus Research Professor, Biological Sciences
  • Affiliated Professor, CFRES

Research Interests: Biological Sciences

  • Plant Molecular Genetics

Areas of Expertise: Biology and Forestry

  • Cellulose and lignin biosynthesis in trees
  • Wood formation
  • Tree growth and development
  • Engineering trees
  • Forest bioinformatics/computational biology
  • Associate Professor, Biological Sciences
  • Associate Director, Great Lakes Research Center

Research Interests

  • Environmental Microbiology
  • Next-generation sequencing technology and bioinformatics/computational biology
  • Microbial physiology and biochemistry
  • Microbes as sensors for the environmental impacts of oil and gas production
  • Microbially-mediated remediation of crude oil contamination
  • Sustainability and plastic biodegradation
  • Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences

Areas of Expertise

  • Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry
  • Genomics / Bioinformatics

Links of Interest

Google Scholar Profile

Research Interests

  • Developmental Biology
  • Transcriptional Biology
  • Cancer Biology
  • Associate Professor
  • Dept. of Biological Sciences

Research Interests

  • Cancer Genetics and Metabolism
  • Mechanisms of Cancer Initiation and Progression
  • Functional Genomics and Bioinformatics
  • Interactions of Diet and Nutrition with Cancer


  • Professor Emerita, Chemistry

Research Interests

  • Climate change communication
  • Science-policy interface
  • Youth engagement in climate policy
  • Response of aquatic systems to climate change
  • Great Lakes
  • Fluorescence-based analytical methods
  • Aerosol chemistry
  • Origin and fate of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in terrestrial, lake, and marine environments
  • Methods for detection of free radicals, photochemical transformations of natural and anthropogenic organic compounds in the environment
  • Integration of biological, geological, physical, and chemical data for understanding global cycles.

Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering

  • Associate Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
  • Associate Chair for Curriculum, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
  • Affiliated Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests

  • Application computationally efficient and robust embedded algorithms for monitoring and protection of civil infrastructure assets such as buildings, bridges, pipelines, wind turbines, roadways, and railroads.

Psychology and Human Factors

  • Professor of Psychology, Psychology and Human Factors

Research Interests

  • Computational Modeling
  • Recognitional Decision Making
  • Perceptual and Memory Processes
  • Representations of Cultural Knowledge

Computer Science

  • Associate Professor, Computer Science
  • Associate Dean of Data Science Initiatives, College of Computing
  • Director, Data Science, M.S. and B.S. Programs

Area of Expertise

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Data Mining and Data Science
  • Applications of AI and ML to Energy (microgrids, power systems), Health, and other domains
  • Director, Great Lakes Research Center
  • Director, Institute of Computing and Cybersystems
  • William and Gloria Jackson Professor

Links of Interest

Areas of Interest

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Signal and Image Processing
  • Sensor and Data Fusion
  • Heterogeneous Data Mining
  • Research Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Area of Expertise (CS)

  • High-performance computer architecture
  • Embedded systems
  • Design of multimedia systems
  • High-performance and low power computing systems
  • Information-processing systems
  • Embedded electronic systems

Areas of Interest (ECE)

  • VLSI information and multimedia processing
  • SoC design
  • Complex embedded electronic systems
  • Very Large Scale Intergradations (VLSI)
  • Digital architectures
  • Computer engineering
  • Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Links of Interest

Areas of Expertise

  • Computer Architecture
  • Operating System
  • System Optimization of Big Data Process

Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Director, Great Lakes Research Center
  • Director, Institute of Computing and Cybersystems
  • William and Gloria Jackson Professor

Links of Interest

Areas of Interest

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Signal and Image Processing
  • Sensor and Data Fusion
  • Heterogeneous Data Mining
  • Research Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Area of Expertise (CS)

  • High-performance computer architecture
  • Embedded systems
  • Design of multimedia systems
  • High-performance and low power computing systems
  • Information-processing systems
  • Embedded electronic systems

Areas of Interest (ECE)

  • VLSI information and multimedia processing
  • SoC design
  • Complex embedded electronic systems
  • Very Large Scale Intergradations (VLSI)
  • Digital architectures
  • Computer engineering

Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences

Information Technology


  • Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Links of Interest

Areas of Expertise

  • Scientific computing
  • Numerical PDEs
  • Parallel Computing
  • Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra
  • Dimension Reduction
  • Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Areas of Expertise

  • Time Series Analysis
  • Econometrics
  • Bootstrap/Resampling

Research Interests

  • Unit Root Testing
  • Spatio-temporal models
  • p-value combination
  • Heavy-tailed distributions
  • Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Areas of Expertise

  • Statistical Genetics
  • Applied Statistics
Allan Struthers
"Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."
—Theodore Roosevelt
  • Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Links of Interest

Areas of Expertise

  • Algorithms that can be parallelized on GPUs
  • Applications of differential equations to science and engineering
  • Dave House Endowed Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Links of Interest

Areas of Expertise

  • Statistical Genetics and Genomics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Biostatistics
  • Applied Statistics
  • Assistant Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Areas of Expertise

  • Bayesian computation
  • Missing data analysis
  • Longitudinal and multivariate data analysis
  • Survival analysis
  • Multi-state modeling
  • Statistical genetics

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

  • Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  • Faculty member of Center for Data Sciences at the Institute of Computing and Cybersystems (ICC)
  • Faculty member of the Center for Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Postdoctoral Research Experience

  • Duke University, Durham
  • University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  • Technical University of Catalunya, Barcelona

Research Expertise

  • Bayesian Machine Learning and Uncertainty Quantification
  • Scientific Machine Learning
  • Computational Solid Mechanics
  • Materials Modeling
  • Biomedical Imaging and Inverse Problems


  • University Professor
  • Professor, Physics
  • Fellow of American Physical Society

Research Interests

  • Gamma-ray bursts
  • Gravitational lensing
  • Smartphones as science sensors
  • Cosmology
  • Gravitation
  • Relativistic Illumination Fronts
  • Assistant Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences

Research Interests

  • Process-based modeling of the sources, transformation, transport, and sinks of atmospheric particulate matter and gases, and their impact on climate and air quality

  • Interactions between changes in land-cover/land-use and atmospheric compositions

  • Remote sensing science and applications in environmental mapping, modeling, and monitoring

  • Synergy between physically-based modeling and machine learning in climate and air quality research

School of Business and Economics

  • Associate Dean, College of Business
  • Professor of Management Information Systems, College of Business
  • Affiliated Professor, Data Science

Teaching Interests

  • Information Systems/Technology Management
  • IT Project Management
  • Business Intelligence
  • User-Centered Design 

Research Interests

  • Impact of IS/IT change on end users
  • Management of IS/IT workers
  • Computer Anxiety and Computer Self-Efficacy
  • Mentoring using Information Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Various de facto Standards (i.e. Information Technology Infrastructure Library – ITIL)
  • Associate Professor of Management Information Systems: Data Analytics, College of Business

Teaching Interests

  • Business Process Analysis
  • AI and machine learning for business
  • Information Security
  • Systems analysis and design

Research Interests

  • Information security behavior
  • Power and control
  • Individual and organizational deviance
  • Business applications for AI and machine learning

School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science 

Hairong Wei
"We are doing excellent job in describing how an individual gene functions, but not how life functions. Systems biology is to fill this gap."
  • Professor
  • Editor-in-Chief, Forestry Research (ForRes)
  • Affiliated Professor, Department of Computer Science & Department of Mathematics

Software developed by Wei group


    Research Interests

  • Bioinformatics tool and software development
  • Identification of genes regulating complex traits via systems biology approaches
  • Algorithms for gene network construction;
  • Genomics of wood formation
  • Functional genomics.
  • Genome Assembly and annotation



College of Computing

  • Associate Professor, Applied Computing
  • Graduate Program Director, MS in Health Informatics
  • Graduate Program Director, PhD in Computational Science and Engineering

Research Interests

  • Human Health-focused ML/DL and Computer Vision
  • Large-scale Cybersecurity architectures
  • mHealth
  • Biometric development
  • Intelligent medical devices

Links of Interest

Personal Webpage

Teaching Interests

  • Cybersecurity
  • Medical/Health Informatics
  • Data Science
  • Network Engineering

Social Sciences 

  • Interim Chair, Social Sciences
  • Associate Professor, Social Sciences

Research Interests

  • Interdisciplinary studies
  • Social simulation (agent-based modeling)
  • Policy analysis
  • International relations
  • Sustainability assessment
  • Complex adaptive systems
  • Norm evolution and social influence
  • STEM education evaluation
  • Research design and methods