Data science professor and students

Executive Committee

  • Associate Professor, Computer Science
  • Associate Dean of Data Science Initiatives, College of Computing
  • Director, Data Science, M.S. and B.S. Programs

Area of Expertise

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Data Mining and Data Science
  • Applications of AI and ML to Energy (microgrids, power systems), Health, and other domains
  • Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Links of Interest

Areas of Expertise

  • Scientific computing
  • Numerical PDEs
  • Parallel Computing
  • Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra
  • Dimension Reduction
  • Associate Professor, Applied Computing
  • Graduate Program Director, MS in Health Informatics
  • Graduate Program Director, PhD in Computational Science and Engineering

Research Interests

  • Human Health-focused ML/DL and Computer Vision
  • Large-scale Cybersecurity architectures
  • mHealth
  • Biometric development
  • Intelligent medical devices

Links of Interest

Personal Webpage

Teaching Interests

  • Cybersecurity
  • Medical/Health Informatics
  • Data Science
  • Network Engineering
  • Associate Professor of Management Information Systems: Data Analytics, College of Business

Teaching Interests

  • Business Process Analysis
  • AI and machine learning for business
  • Information Security
  • Systems analysis and design

Research Interests

  • Information security behavior
  • Power and control
  • Individual and organizational deviance
  • Business applications for AI and machine learning
Hairong Wei
"We are doing excellent job in describing how an individual gene functions, but not how life functions. Systems biology is to fill this gap."
  • Professor
  • Editor-in-Chief, Forestry Research (ForRes)
  • Affiliated Professor, Department of Computer Science & Department of Mathematics

Software developed by Wei group


    Research Interests

  • Bioinformatics tool and software development
  • Identification of genes regulating complex traits via systems biology approaches
  • Algorithms for gene network construction;
  • Genomics of wood formation
  • Functional genomics.
  • Genome Assembly and annotation



  • Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Links of Interest

Areas of Expertise

  • Computer Architecture
  • Operating System
  • System Optimization of Big Data Process