In 2011, faculty members in the School of Business and Economics presented their research and shared their expertise across the nation and around the world.
2010-2011 Faculty Travel/Presentations
Mari Buche
Saint Louis
International Conference on Information Systems
Panel for Social Inclusion Special Interest Group
6th Annual Midwest AIS Conference
MWAIS Treasurer, Participant Panel on Professional Development and Research Productivity
Computer and Info Systems Leaders Council and Workshop in Healthcare IT at WMU
William Breffle
Pathways to Success Conference
“Improving Estimates of Consumer Surplus by Purging Income Effects for the Less Wealthy:
Indirect Measures of Willingness to Accept”
Sonia Goltz
Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference
"Teaching Across Management Disciplines with Board Games"
Academy of Management Meetings
“Considering Implications of Spiritual Power for Organizational Behavior”
Gregory Graman
Portland, Ore.
International Conference of Business Sustainability
“A Proposed Closed-Loop Supply Chain Model for Cellulosic Ethanol from Woody Biomass.”
Soonkwan Hong
Evanston, Ill
Consumer Culture Theory Conference
“Skating Dialectics and Flipping Genealogy”
Coral Gables, Fla.
Academy of Marketing Science Conference
"Consumption of Extremity: Cultural Proliferation of Hyper-Authenticity and the Corollary”
Jacksonville, Fla.
Association for Consumer Research Conference
“Iconoclasm, Autotelicity, Narcissism, and Cool beyond Distinction” and “Forget Negotiation:
The Non-dialectical Model of Identity Project by Extreme Sports Participants”
Junhong Min
MBA Association Conference
“Trivial Attributes in Service Context: Preliminary Findings” and “Marketing Research
in an Emerging Economy: Preliminary Observation on Vietnam”
Society for Marketing Advances Conference
“Promoting the Provider Performance in Service B2B Relationships”
San Diego
Decision Sciences Institute 2010 Annual Meeting
"Supplier Opportunism and Relationship Performance in Marketing Research Outsourcing
Karol Pelc
International Association for Management of Technology Conference
“Multiple Perspectives on Innovation Networks”
Latha Poonamallee
Academy of Management
“A Comparative Analysis of Societal Level Compassion in the Asian Tsunami and Hurricane
Katrina” and “Is Indigenous Knowledge Property?”
Bangalore, India
Eastern Academy of Management International Meeting
“Corporate Citizenship: Panacea or Problem?—The Complicated Case of Hindustan Unilever”
Glasgow, Scotland
Multiple Organizational Partnerships and Networks (MOPAN) Conference
“Leader, Participant, Beneficiary, or Partner? Examination of Leadership Dynamics
in a Collaborative Inter-organizational Initiative”
Haiyan Huang
Saint Louis
International Conference on Information Systems
“Identity and Cross-Cultural Management in Global Distributed Information Technology
Dana Johnson
International Production and Operations Management Society Conference
“Comparative Analysis of Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Supply Chains for
Biofuel” and “Integrating Sustainability Through Application and Research in a Graduate
OM Course”
International Industrial Engineering Research Conference—Institute of Industrial Engineers
“Sustainable Mobility via a Biomass Supply Chain for Biofuel”
Sloan Industry Studies Conference
“Woody Biomass Supply Chain and Infrastructure for the Biofuels Industries”
Dean Johnson
Academic Finance Conference
“Top Income Tax Rates and Economic Growth”
Becky LaFrancois
North American Meetings for the International Association of Energy Economics
“A Loft Left Over? Reducing Emissions Through the Use of Natural Gas”
Cape Town, South Africa
Department of Economics Seminar
“Investment in Intermittent Renewables: Modeling Optimal Compliance under a Renewable
Portfolio Standard with Varying Penalty Structures”
Andre Laplume
Administrative Sciences Association of Canada
“Simultaneous and Sequential Ambidexterity: Which Performs Better with Product Diversification”
Gothenburg, Sweden
European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium
“Heuristics for Strategic Ambidexterity: Balancing Exploration and Exploitation over Time
in Varying Environments”
San Antonio
Academy of Management
“Effectiveness of Strategic Ambidexterity Heuristics: The Role of Product Diversification
and Rule Change Environments”
Howard Qi
New York
Financial Management Association International Conference
“Inferring Default Correlation from Equity Return Correlation,” “Duration, Taxes,
and Bond Yield Spread,” and “Executives’ Characteristics and Capital Structure”
Maria Schutte
Beijing, China
China International Conference in Finance
“Investor Diversification: The Pricing of Idiosyncratic Risk”
Finance Management Association Asian Conference
“Investor Diversification: The Pricing of Idiosyncratic Risk”
Waterloo, Ont.
Wilfrid Laurier University
“A Test of the GCAPM with Unbiased Idiosyncratic Risk Estimators”
Manish Srivastava
Strategic Management Society Conference
“Making the Most of What you Have: Impact of Alliance Portfolio Characteristics on Technological
Joel Tuoriniemi
Newport Beach, Calif.
American Accounting Association Western Region Conference
“The Not-So-Innocent Spouse: The Failure to Adopt an Appropriate Valuation Methodology
in Levy Claims.”
Michigan Technological University is an R1 public research university founded in 1885 in Houghton, and is home to nearly 7,500 students from more than 60 countries around the world. Consistently ranked among the best universities in the country for return on investment, Michigan's flagship technological university offers more than 120 undergraduate and graduate degree programs in science and technology, engineering, computing, forestry, business, health professions, humanities, mathematics, social sciences, and the arts. The rural campus is situated just miles from Lake Superior in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, offering year-round opportunities for outdoor adventure.