- Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education
- Dean of the Pavlis Honors College
- Associate Professor, Humanities
- maseigel@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3046
- 722 I, Minerals and Materials Engineering Building
Research Areas
- Educational Innovation
- Rhetoric of Health and Medicine
- Writing Program Administration
- Facilitate implementation of Michigan Tech’s undergraduate curriculum
- Support ongoing growth in the Pavlis Honors College
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms–to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances."
—Viktor Frankl
—Viktor Frankl
Nancy Barr
- Assessment and Writing Support Specialist
- nbbarr@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1876
- Walker Arts and Humanities Center 106
STEM communication instruction
Communication across the curriculum/communication in the disciplines
Portfolio assessment
Collaborative learning
Inclusive pedagogy
Jean Straw DeClerck
- Assessment Manager, Office of Assessment for Curricular Effectiveness
- jsdecler@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3041
- Van Pelt and Opie Library 218
Links of Interest
- Manages learning-goal assessment systems for both General Education and undergraduate degree programs.
- Assists faculty in planning learning-goal assessment approaches intended to reveal opportunities to help students.
- Promotes collegial, knowledge-sharing initiatives to improve instructional practices and student-learning-goal achievement across disciplines.
"Design is thinking made visual."
—Saul Bass
—Saul Bass
Jessie Neece
- Marketing and Communications Specialist
- jmsneece@mtu.edu
- 906-487-4320
- M&M 722
Links of Interest
- Graphic design
- Print and digital marketing
- Creative strategic thinking
- Project management
Steve Patchin
- Project Manager, Essential Education Implementation
- shpatchi@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2519
- Meese Building 102
Support eight Essential Education implementation working groups in achieving their project goals and deliverables
Manage the budget for Essential Education implementation, a Tech Forward Initiative
Help build and manage communications, connecting with internal and external campus/related community regarding Essential Education implementation, operation, and outcomes
Assist in the building of a corporate task force to support the launch and growth of the Essential Education implementation initiative