Husky Health Option 1

Earn $200

Earn $200 by completing both of these requirements during the reporting period:

Benefits to You

The Blue Cross Health & Wellness health assessment is designed to help faculty and staff get a picture of their current health and health risks. In an easy-to-read, interactive format, the health assessment asks questions designed to evaluate health.

After completing the health assessment, you'll get the information to help improve your health, including:

  • A health score based on modifiable health risks
  • A list of highest risk areas
  • A Modifiable Risk Report and a Condition Risk Report
  • A list of next steps to take to improve your health


Information is kept secure and confidential. Michigan Tech does not see individual responses or any personal health information. BCBSM only provides Michigan Tech with a summary report to
determine the overall health profile of Michigan Tech employees. This information is used by the Michigan Tech wellness team to help plan future programs and benefits that can help employees reach their health and wellness goals.