Student Advisory Committee

The current MAE Student Advisory Committee  group in the banner photo above: Front Row: Valerie Lynch, Madison Turner, Xochitl Villezcas, Erika Carne, Jake Fedie, Swapnil Bamane;  Back Row: Dr. Jeffrey Allen, Troy Maust, Austin Arenz, Dr. William Predebon, Aaron Kruzel, Stuart Liburd Jr.; Not pictured: Ron Kyllonen


  • Advise the Department Chair and the Faculty regarding concerns of the students and to provide student feedback on matters referred to the Committee by the Department
  • Coordinate the calendar of activities of Departmental honorary and professional society groups


One representative from each Departmental honorary and professional society. Representatives form Student Organizations can be added at the discretion of the membership. The Committee Chair and Chair of Records are elected from the membership. The Department Chair and the Associate Chair and Director of Undergraduate Studies are ex-officio members.

It is the function of the ME SAC Committee to represent students' concerns about the MAE Department.