Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Research

Advancing Research for the World

Research efforts in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering are at the forefront of innovation in diverse areas, advancing knowledge and technology along disciplinary lines.

The department’s initiatives are highly collaborative and multidisciplinary, involving researchers from engineering, the physical and life sciences, and business. Our projects integrate the nano- through global scales and embrace manufacturing, design, mechanics, materials, and energy systems.

Multi-scale technologies are pervasive in engineering applications and systems, including biomedical technologies, sensing and controls, nano- and multi-functional materials, and molecular modeling. Research today occurs at the interfaces of different fields of engineering and science. To stay at the forefront of technology, these research thrusts are designed to encourage collaboration across the department and University.

The department had $22.845 million in research expenditures for FY 2021 from the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Tomorrow needs environmental, industrial, and societal sustainability.