Miscellaneous Expenses

Dependent Care

Dependent care expenses above and beyond regular dependent care costs that directly result from travel on university business will be reimbursed.  Qualifying individuals eligible for reimbursement under this policy are the same as those allowable for Flexible Spending Accounts.


The amount to be reimbursed for dependent care expenses above and beyond regular dependent care costs cannot exceed $300 per day per trip.  Per the Internal Revenue Service, this is a taxable reimbursement.  Any applicable FICA, federal and state taxes on the amount reimbursed will be withheld from a future paycheck.

A qualifying individual is a dependent under the age of 13 for whom the employee claims a dependency exemption for tax purposes or a spouse or dependent who is physically or mentally not able to care for himself or herself.

The care provider cannot be the employee’s dependent for tax purposes, the employee’s child under the age of 19 or the employee’s spouse.

To claim reimbursement of dependent care expenses above and beyond regular costs, the employee does the following:

  1. Pays the care provider with personal funds
  2. Completes the Dependent Care Reimbursement Form which includes:
    • Dependent care provider’s name and address
    • Name(s) and age(s) of qualifying individuals for whom care was provided
    • Dates of service provided
    • Amount to be reimbursed
      Note: An original paid bill or a receipt from the dependent care provider must be attached to the form.
  3. Attaches the Dependent Care Reimbursement form and original receipts to the travel expense form.


Business and personal telephone calls made while traveling internationally will be reimbursed up to $10 per day without receipts. An original receipt (hotel bill or telephone bill) is required for telephone charges in excess of $10 per day.

Other Miscellaneous Expenses

Incidental expenses, such as bridge toll charges, parking fees, and excess baggage handling charges, require receipts when the costs exceed $10 (unless paid for with the University PCard in which case detailed receipts are required for all transactions). Laundry and dry-cleaning services are allowed when expenditures are supported by out-of-town receipts and are reasonable in nature.