Earn a Bachelor’s and a Master’s in Five Years
Are you a highly motivated student seeking to accelerate your education? Get on the fast track with the Chemical Engineering Accelerated Master’s program, and you will graduate with an advanced degree and start your career or PhD studies one year earlier than the average.
You will earn both a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering in ten semesters (five academic years) of full-time course work. Students enrolled in the accelerated program begin graduate course work in their fourth year and finish the master’s degree requirements within two semesters of study beyond completion of their bachelor’s degree.
Upon graduation, you will be prepared to succeed in a wide range of positions in the chemical industry or in a chemical engineering doctoral program.
Chemical Engineering Accelerated Master’s Requirements
- Students may apply for admission to the Chemical Engineering Accelerated Master’s program anytime after junior-level class standing is attained and before a bachelor’s degree is awarded.
- Students must apply for admission to the accelerated program though the standard Graduate School application process. Applications will be reviewed by the Department of Chemical Engineering’s graduate program according to the normal procedure.
- Only students who intend to complete both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree at Michigan Tech are eligible to enroll in the accelerated program.
- Students already enrolled in a graduate program may not retroactively enroll in the Chemical Engineering Accelerated Master’s program.
- Each student’s preliminary plan for the accelerated master’s program must be approved by the Department of Chemical Engineering prior to acceptance into the graduate program; therefore, the student is required to meet with the chemical engineering graduate program director/advisor at the time of application to develop a plan for completion of the degree and to designate courses taken while an undergraduate student that will be applied toward the master’s degree requirements.
- Upon acceptance into the program, the student is required to attend an advising meeting each semester to review the plan for completion and make adjustments as necessary.
- The maximum time to degree for the Chemical Engineering Accelerated Master’s program is five years from the time the student is accepted into the program.
- Through the accelerated program, a minimum of 155 total credits must be completed to meet the combined requirements of the Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Chemical Engineering. Both degrees must be earned in chemical engineering.
- Up to 6 undergraduate engineering credits earned at the 3000 level or higher may be applied toward both the bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Prior to completion of the master’s degree, students must indicate on their master’s degree schedule which undergraduate-level courses, along with the corresponding number of credits (a maximum of 6), should be applied to both their bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
Students in the Chemical Engineering Accelerated Master’s program must complete the following required core courses (15 credits total).
Core Courses Offered in Fall
CM5100: Applied Mathematics for CM
CM5200: Advanced Thermodynamics
CM5310: Laboratory Safety
CM5621: Research Essentials
Core Courses Offered in Spring
CM5300: Advanced Transport Phenomena
CM5400: Advanced Reactive Systems Analysis
In addition to the core requirements, 15 credits of technical courses (e.g., engineering and mathematics courses) are required to earn the 30 credits needed for the accelerated master’s program. Up to 6 of the technical course credits may be taken during the undergraduate years and double counted for the master’s degree. Note that a maximum of 12 credits earned at the 3000 level or 4000 level can be applied toward a master’s degree, whether those courses were taken as an undergraduate student or as a graduate student.
Chemical Engineering Technical Courses Offered
The following courses may be used to fulfill the 15-credit technical course requirement for the accelerated master’s program. Other courses, including those outside of chemical engineering, may also be acceptable, with the approval of the graduate program director.
CM3450: Computer Aided Problem Solving
CM3820: Sampling and Data Analysis
CM3974: Fuel Cell Fundamentals
CM4125: Bioprocess Engineering Laboratory
CM4500: Particle Technology
CM4550: Industrial Chemical Production
CM4610: Introduction to Polymer Science
CM4620: Polymer Chemistry
CM4631: Polymer Science Laboratory
CM4650: Polymer Rheology
CM4655: Polymer Rheology Laboratory
CM4710: Biochemical Processes
CM4740: Hydrometallurgy/Pyrometallurgy
CM4770: Analytical Microdevice Technologies
CM4990: Special Topics in Chemical Engineering (6-credit maximum)
CM5770: Advanced Analytical Microdevice Technologies
CM5900: Graduate-Level Special Topics in Chemical Engineering (6-credit maximum)
Note: This is not an official list of degree requirements. Adjustments may be required due to curriculum changes.
Year One:
Fall Semester | ||
Course | Title | Credits |
CH1150 | University Chemistry I | 3 |
CH1151 | University Chemistry I Lab | 1 |
CH1153 | University Chemistry I Rec | 1 |
ENG1101 | Eng Analysis and Problem Solving | 3 |
MA1160 | Calculus with Technology I | 4 |
PH1100 | Physics by Inquiry I | 1 |
UN1001 | Perspectives | 3 |
TBD | Cocurricular (1 unit) | |
Total: 16 |
Spring Semester | ||
Course | Title | Credits |
CH1160 | University Chemistry II | 3 |
CH1161 | University Chemistry II Lab | 1 |
ENG1102 | Eng Modeling and Design | 3 |
MA2160 | Calculus with Technology II | 4 |
PH2100 | University Physics I | 3 |
UN1002 | World Cultures | 4 |
Total: 18 |
Year Two:
Fall Semester | ||
Course | Title | Credits |
CH2410 | Organic Chemistry I | 3 |
CH2411 | Organic Chemistry I Lab | 1 |
CH2110 | Fundamentals of ChE I | 3 |
MA3160 | Multivariable Calc with Technology | 4 |
PH1200 | Physics by Inquiry II | 1 |
UN2001 | Composition Cocurricular | 3 |
TBD | Cocurricular (1 unit) | |
Total: 15 |
Spring Semester | ||
Course | Title | Credits |
CH2420 | Organic Chemistry II | 3 |
CH2120 | Fundamentals of ChE II | 3 |
MA2321 | Elementary Linear Algebra | 2 |
MA3521 | Elementary Differential Equations | 2 |
PH2200 | University Physics II | 3 |
UN2002 | Institutions | 3 |
TBD | Cocurricular (1 unit) | |
Total: 16 |
Year Three:
Fall Semester | ||
Course | Title | Credits |
CH3510 | Physical Chemistry I | 2 |
CH3511 | Physical Chemistry Lab I | 3 |
CM3110 | Transport/Unit Operations I | 2 |
CM3215 | Fundamentals of ChE Lab | 3 |
CM3410 | Tech Comm for ChE | 3 |
TBD | HASS (Gen Ed) Distribution | 3 |
Total: 16 |
Spring Semester | ||
Course | Title | Credits |
CM3120 | Transport/Unit Operations II | 3 |
CM3230 | Thermodynamics for ChE | 4 |
CM3310 | Process Control | 3 |
CM3510 | Chemical Reaction Eng | 3 |
TBD | HASS (Gen Ed) Distribution | 3 |
Total: 16 |
Year Four:
Fall Semester | ||
Course | Title | Credits |
CM4110 | Unit Operations Lab | 3 |
CM4310 | Process Safety/Environment | 3 |
CM4855 | ChE Proc Analysis and Design I | 3 |
TBD | 4000-level Technical Elective | 3 |
TBD | Free Elective | 3 |
TBD | HASS (Gen Ed) Distribution | 3 |
Total: 18 |
Spring Semester | ||
Course | Title | Credits |
CM4120 | Chemical Plant Operations Lab | 3 |
CM4860 | ChE Proc Analysis and Design Lab II | 2 |
CM4861 | ChE Design Lab II | 1 |
TBD | 4000-level Technical Elective | 3 |
TBD | Technical Elective | 4 |
TBD | HASS (Gen Ed) Distribution | 3 |
Total: 16 |
Year Five:
Fall Semester | ||
Course | Title | Credits |
CM5100 | Applied Math for Chem Eng | 3 |
CM5200 | Advanced Thermodynamics | 3 |
CM5310 | Laboratory Safety | 1 |
CM5621 | Research Essentials | 2 |
TBD | Master's Technical Elective | 3 |
Total: 12 |
Spring Semester | ||
Course | Title | Credits |
CM5300 | Advanced Transport Phenomena | 3 |
CM5400 | Advanced Reactive Systems Analysis | 3 |
TBD | Master's Technical Elective | 3 |
TBD | Master's Technical Elective | 3 |
Total: 12 |
Only students in good academic standing, as defined by the Graduate School, are eligible to enter the Chemical Engineering Accelerated Master’s program. Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above on a 4.0 scale to be in good standing with the Graduate School.
- A student enrolled in the accelerated program will be considered an undergraduate student until the bachelor’s degree has been awarded.
- Once the bachelor’s degree is awarded, the student is considered a graduate student and will be expected to adhere to all Michigan Tech Graduate School policies and procedures.