Family Friendly & Life Friendly Policies

Given the present challenges, numerous policies have been revisited or clarified to better support our diverse faculty facing challenges to their intersectional identities. These policies and practices are outlined below along with a brief description of each.

Parental Leave- Faculty

The Parental Leave Benefit is to give parents additional flexibility and time to bond with their new child, adjust to their new family situation, and balance their professional and home obligations. Paid Parental Leave - Faculty Handbook

Initial version included only maternal leave. The latest revision went into effect Jan. 1, 2017 and is an inclusive Parental Leave Benefit.

Parental Accommodation- Graduate Students

Graduate students requiring assistance during a pregnancy, a postpartum period, during an adoption process, or following an adoption placement are covered under the Graduate Student Parental Accommodation policy. For more information students should contact the Graduate School or visit their webpage on Gradate Student Parental Accommodations.

Tenure Extension: COVID-19

COVID-19 will constitute an exceptional circumstance, as outlined in section 5.1.2 of Appendix I of the Faculty Handbook, for all tenure-track faculty with a mandatory tenure decision during or subsequent to the 2020-2021 academic year. However, tenure clocks will not be automatically extended and an exceptional circumstance extension must still be requested. Requests must be made within a reasonable amount of time and before November 15 of the final year of the tenure probationary period.

More information for faculty can be found on ADVANCE's COVID Impact Statement page.

Tenure Extension

A faculty member encountering disruption of professional responsibilities during the tenure probationary period, requiring extensive sick leave, unpaid leave, or a substantial formal reduction of professional responsibilities may make written request to the Provost for a one year extension of the tenure probationary period. Under this policy, an individual's tenure probationary period at Michigan Technological University may be extended by one year for each child, or in the case of requests based on the birth or legal adoption of a child, not more than two years total.

Dependent Care While on Travel

Dependent care expenses above and beyond regular dependent care costs that directly result from travel on university business will be reimbursed. Reimbursement forms are available Dependent Care | Financial Services and Operations.

Partner Engagement Program

We want to attract and retain exceptional faculty; our success often depends on cultivating two careers. The Partner Engagement Program was created to help spouses/partners gain knowledge about Michigan Tech, potential employment opportunities and other resources at the University and in the local area.

Lactation Rooms

Fifteen lactation and/or baby changes spaces are available across campus as shown on this map. This rapidly expanding program is championed through the Center for Diversity and Inclusion. Additionally, there is a Support for Breastfeeding Mothers Program Anyone needing space on a regular basis should talk to their supervisor since locked, private office space can be arranged.

Michigan Tech is a globally recognized technological university that educates students, advances knowledge, and innovates to improve the quality of life and to promote mutual respect and equity for all people within the state, the nation, and the global community.