The Advocates and Allies Advisory Board (A3B) is a group of women, minorities, and gender diverse individuals who work with the National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded ADVANCE team to guide and advise the Advocates Team. Guidance comes in the form of communicating and prioritizing issues that women, minorities, and gender diverse individuals experience at Michigan Tech that impede their career growth and success. Guidance and oversight also come in the form of structuring and directing the education of the Advocates via published resources and lived experiences, the best topics, and approaches for the Advocates.
When advocating for policies and practices, the goal is that the A3B and Advocates will work closely together with the goal that well-intentioned ideas translate into policies and practices that most effectively achieve the goals of equity.
Advisory Board
- Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Associate Research Director, Center for Innovation in Sustainability & Resilience (CISR)
- Advisor, Outdoor Venture Crew
- 906-487-1173
- R. L. Smith 930
Links of Interest
Areas of Expertise
- Solar photovoltaic and thermal power plants
- Electricity grid operational modeling
- Energy-water nexus
Research Interests
- Impacts of climate change on electric power systems
- Energy transitions in cold climates
- Solar photovoltaic design for cold climates
- Heat pump performance
- Thermal power plant modeling
- Associate Teaching Professor, Visual and Performing Arts
- 906-487-3096
- Rozsa 208
Links of Interest
- Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering
- Affiliated Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- 906-487-2852
- H-STEM 352
Links of Interest
Teaching Experience
- BE 4510 and 5510: Cardiovascular Engineering
- BE 3350: Introduction to Human Biomechanics
Research Areas
- Cardiovascular Biomechanics
- Cardiovascular Biofluids
- Fluid Mechanics
- Medical Devices
- Patient-Specific Modeling
- Associate Teaching Professor, Applied Computing
- Program Director, BS in Mechatronics
- Program Director, BS in Electrical Engineering Technology
Research Interests
- Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
- Single electron devices
- Charging-effect-based tunneling devices
- Quantum electronics
- Circuit design
Teaching Interests
- Electronics
- Circuits and instrumentation
- Physical electronics
- Digital logic
- Assistant Professor, Engineering Fundamentals
- Affiliated Assistant Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- Affiliated Assistant Professor, Psychology and Human Factors
Links of Interest, Publications
Research Interests
- Technology Adoption
- Online Learning
- Service Learning
- First-year Engineering
- Sustainability

Danielle Meirow
- Director of Student Leadership and Involvement
- 906-487-1963
- 112 Memorial Union Building

- Supports the Student Leadership and Involvement staff in ensuring seamless day-to-day operations and executing impactful programming.
- Leads long and short-term strategic planning for Student Leadership and Involvement based on student feedback and assessment.
- Chairs the Tech Traditions Committee in order to provide oversight and collaboration amongst campus partner.
- Teaching Professor, Visual and Performing Arts
- Director, Music Composition Program
- 906-487-3015
- Rozsa 206
Links of Interest
- Classical music composition
- Violin/viola performance, instruction
- Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Composition
- Academy of Teaching Excellence
- Walker 304
Research Interests
- transnational feminism
- activist rhetoric
- disability studies
- digital media
- writing program administration
- rhetorical genre studies
- Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- Affiliated Professor, Chemistry
- 906-487-3641
- Dow 863
Links of Interest
Teaching Interests
- Environmental Engineering
- Transport & Transformation of Organic Chemicals
- Boundary Layer Meteorology
- Sustainability
Research Interests
- Air and Water Quality
- Atmosphere-biosphere Exchange of Chemicals
- Micrometeorology
- Environmental Analytical Chemistry
- Sustainability
- Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
- Affiliated Associate Professor, Biological Sciences
- 906-487-3230
- H-STEM 338
Links of Interests
Research Interests
- Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) and Nanotechnology
- Microfluidics for cancer research
- Microenvironment platforms to characterize cellular interactions
- Sensors and devices for biomedical sensing and implantable devices
- Research Coordinator, Institute for Materials Processing
- Research Coordinator, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- 906-487-2636
- M & M Building 508, Dow 601 (M, W)
- Facilitates partnerships supporting institute growth.
- Provides research support.