Kette Thomas

Kette Thomas


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  • Associate Professor of Diversity and Literature, Humanities
  • Director, Diversity Studies Minor
  • University Senate Secretary
  • PhD, Comparative Literature, New York University at Stony Brook


Dr. Kette Thomas' work centers on questions regarding identity, and language. As a scholar and educator in comparative studies, her work draws on cultural theory; mythology/religion; Caribbean and Latin American cultures and literature; world literature; and cinema. She has publications in The International Journal of Arts in Society, Caribbean Vistas, and CLC Web: Comparative Literature and Culture, The International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations, and the Journal of Religion and Film. Currently, she is writing two books: one on Haitian immigrants in Brooklyn, NY and the other on Haiti’s Restavek institution. She is also working on articles that address cultural "deviancies," whether that be in the context of labeling "freaks," as a socio-political identity, or engaging the phenomenon of cult crises such as Jonestown '78.