Enterprise Risk Management Committee


The Enterprise Risk Management Committee (ERM) serves as a group of risk experts working across campus to coordinate
best practices and identify issues of concern. The ERM Committee also serves to monitor and identify areas of risk for elevation
to the President's Council or area risk experts.


University Wide

Reports To:


Committee Members:

  • Beth Lunde-Stockero, Executive Director of Equal Opportunity Compliance and Title IX
  • Bill Kordenbrock, Vice President for Governmental Relations
  • Bill Roberts, Vice President for Advancement & Alumni Engagement
  • Brian Cadwell, Director and Chief of Police, Public Safety and Policy Services
  • Danielle Cyrus, Director of Purchasing
  • Andrew Barnard, Vice President for Research
  • Andrew Storer, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • John Jaszczak, Curator of A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum
  • John Lehman, Vice President for University Relations & Enrollment
  • Josh Olson, Chief Information Officer
  • Dan Carney, Chief Human Resources Officer
  • Sarah Schulte, Chair, General Counsel and Secretary for the Board of Trustees 
  • Nick Stevens, Chief Financial Officer & Senior Vice President for Administration
  • Suzanne Sanregret, Vice President for Athletics and Recreation
  • Luara Bulliet, Vice President for Student Affairs

Last updated: July 2, 2024