Course Material Strategy Group


Study both the current state and what is changing in the textbook and course content environment and recommend a coordinated, proactive strategy for Michigan Tech which responds to the changing industry and education landscape.

Task Force Activities:

  • Recommendations should be designed to meet the needs of our students and faculty and should be aimed toward academic excellence and cost containment.     

  • Recommendations will be communicated through the Associate Vice President for Administration to be directed to the appropriate University body or official for consideration and/or action.





Reports To:

Associate Vice President for Administration

Committee Members: 

  • Adrienne Minerick, Professor, Chemical Engineering

  • GSG Student Representative
  • John Beard, Associate Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

  • Joshua Olson, Chief Information Officer, Information Technology

  • Michael Gretz, Professor, Biological Sciences

  • Michael Meyer, Director, Center for Teaching and Learning

  • Nora Allred, Assistant Director of Scholarly Communications, Van Pelt and Opie Library

  • Robert Weidman, Associate Professor, Physics

  • Shane Sullivan, Merchandising Manager, Merchandising Operations

  • Timothy Schulz, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • USG Student Representative

NOTE: March 18, 2022 - University Senate is working to update members (Due Spring 2022)