Funding Opportunities

The funding opportunities database below is part of our commitment to supporting the work of our members and IPEC's mission. Each of our five main research areas (1) Social Media and Society, (2) Human Machine Culture, (3) Justice and Security in Energy Transitions, (4) Ethics in STEM, (5) Algorithmic Culture are given targeted recommendations for funding. IPEC members are eligible to join a research area by contacting a research lead. 

Below, our database offers opportunities for a variety of disciplines, degree-levels, and deadlines. If you don't see an opportunity that matches your specific interests, please visit GrantForward for more options. 

Funding Opportunities Database

Humanities Research Centers on Artificial Intelligence

The Humanities Research Centers on Artificial Intelligence program addresses Strategy #3 of the 2023 National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan, put forth by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). Strategy #3 calls for research into "the ethical, legal, and societal implications of AI" in order to understand, anticipate, and mitigate harm as well as [understand] the distribution of likely benefits. The Humanities Research Centers on Artificial Intelligence program will create new Centers of scholarly discourse and learning, each one a nexus for collaborative efforts that reach across disciplinary lines to gain a more holistic understanding of AI in the modern world.


AGS Scholar Internship Initiative

Undergraduate and graduate students who are currently enrolled in an accredited program and have maintained a grade point average of at least 3.2 are eligible to apply. During the Spring and Fall semesters, the internship runs for 15 weeks, with 15 hours per week. The Summer internship runs for 12 weeks with 35 hours per week. The virtual Scholar Internship offers flexible work hours and days, and we encourage students from across the the globe to apply.


Michigan Department of Natural Resources Grant Hub

Check out the Michigan DNR's hub for grants related to Recreation, Aquatic and Wildlife, Forestry, and Law Enforcement and Safety funding areas. 


Michigan Humanities Council Grants

Humanities Grants emphasize collaboration among cultural, educational, and community-based organizations and institutions in order to serve Michigan's people with public humanities programming. These grants play a vital role in defining our culture, our state, our community, and ourselves. They are intended to connect us to Michigan's rich cultural heritage and historical resources through initiatives that help the people of our state reason together and learn from one another.


Bridging Michigan Grants

Bridging Michigan grants provide Michigan nonprofits with up to $2,500 in support of public humanities programming that sparks in-depth thinking and conversation around persistent challenges affecting our communities. We welcome projects that aim to address and deepen understanding of social, economic, cultural and racial inequities, and other pressing challenges affecting communities across our state.


Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship Program

The Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship Program invites recent college and graduate school alumni to apply for full-time, six-to-nine month fellowships in Washington, DC. Outstanding individuals will be selected to work with nonprofit, public-interest organizations addressing peace and security issues. Applications are especially encouraged from candidates with a strong interest in these issues who have prior experience with public-interest activism or advocacy.

NEH Collaborative Convening Grants

The Collaborative Research program aims to advance humanistic knowledge by supporting teams of scholars working on a joint endeavor. NEH encourages projects that incorporate multiple points of view, pursue new avenues of inquiry in the humanities, and lead to manuscripts for print publication or to scholarly digital projects.

NEH Collaborative Research Grants

The Collaborative Research program aims to advance humanistic knowledge by supporting teams of scholars working on a joint endeavor. NEH encourages projects that incorporate multiple points of view, pursue new avenues of inquiry in the humanities, and lead to manuscripts for print publication or to scholarly digital projects.

Inclusivity and Diversity Participation Funding

Future Earth seeks to support inclusivity and diversity participation of underrepresented communities in low to middle income countries. This includes, but is not limited to, early career researchers, indigenous communities, women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQAI+ community who wish to participate in sustainability events and programs. Members of the Future Earth networks are invited to submit applications for funding support of travel, registration, and/or participation expenses.

Roman J. Witt Residency

The mission of the Roman J. Witt Residency Program is to support the production of new work at the University of Michigan. The program awards one residency per academic year for a visiting artist/designer to develop a new work in collaboration with the Stamps School and University of Michigan community.

Dialogues on the Experiences of War

The Dialogues on the Experience of War program supports the study and discussion of humanities sources that address the experiences of military service and war from a wide variety of perspectives. In recognition of the importance of the humanities in helping Americans to understand the meaning and experiences of military service and war, Dialogues projects encourage veterans and nonveterans to reflect collectively on such topics as civic engagement, veteran identity, the legacies of war, service, and homecoming. Project teams should include humanities scholars, military veterans, and individuals with relevant experience.

Hearst Foundations Funding Priorities in Culture

The Hearst Foundations fund cultural institutions that offer meaningful programs in the arts and sciences, prioritizing those that enable engagement by young people and create a lasting and measurable impact. The Foundations also fund select programs nurturing and developing artistic talent. Supported organizations include arts schools, ballets, museums, operas, performing arts centers, symphonies and theaters.

The Story of Stuff Project’s Grassroots Grants

We support projects that value local community involvement and organizing, creative interventions, strategic thinking, and both defensive "fight-back" and offensive solutions-focused projects. Grants do not exceed $5,000.

Grassroots Exchange Fund

Common Counsel's Grassroots Exchange Fund (GXF) is a rapid response small grants program designed to support grassroots social change organizations' ability to collaborate, share best practices, and build capacity. GXF prioritizes grants to small-budgeted community-based groups seeking to organize with other grassroots groups, to build collaborative campaigns, and to benefit from learning and training opportunities. 

Pop Culture Collaborative Opportunity Grants

Opportunity Grants are for emergent initiatives, projects, and research; time-sensitive gatherings, retreats, or convenings; and/or critical experiments at the intersection of pop culture and social justice.

Harry Frank Guggenheim Distinguished Scholar Award

The Foundation welcomes proposals from any of the natural and social sciences and aligned disciplines that promise to increase understanding of the causes, manifestations, and control of violence and aggression. Highest priority is given to research that addresses urgent, present-day problems of violence-what produces it, how it operates, and what prevents or reduces it.

Babbitt Center Dissertation Fellowship

The Babbitt Center for Land and Water Policy's Dissertation Fellowship Program invites applications from doctoral students whose project proposals have been approved by their committee and are conducting research in fields that address the Babbitt Center s primary interest areas in improving the integration of land and water management.

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Grant The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation makes grants primarily to support original research and education related to science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and economics. The Foundation believes that these fields-and the scholars and practitioners who work in them are chief drivers of the nation's health and prosperity. The Foundation also believes that a reasoned, systematic understanding of the forces of nature and society, when applied inventively and wisely, can lead to a better world for all.    
Bass Senior Visiting Fellowship

The Field Museum invites applications for its Bass Senior Visiting Fellowships. Successful applicants receive support for long-term visits, usually between three and six months, to work at the Field Museum to collaborate with Museum faculty on specific research projects.

Blue Mountain Center Grant

Blue Mountain Center offers a unique refuge to artists, activists, organizers and cultural workers who produce transformative work for their times. We trust residents and conference attendees to choose the rhythm they need to counter the pressures of the world, whether through collaboration or solitude, work or rest, in a nurturing environment where they can connect to themselves, local and global movements, the land and story of the Adirondacks, and the growing BMC community.

Charles Koch Foundation Ending Endless Wars in the Middle East

Over the past few decades, the United States has initiated, joined, and intensified conflicts across the Greater Middle East. This exercise of military force has generally failed to make America safer, produce political stability in the region, or enhance other vital American national interests. Instead, it has resulted in destabilization and the proliferation of hardened militants and terrorist groups. Many Americans and prominent politicians on both sides of the aisle have called for an end to "endless wars." As political will mounts to leave foreign conflicts and bring American troops home, policymakers must grapple with exit strategies and the lessons learned from the last few decades of engagement.

Charles Koch Foundation Grand Strategy Research

In recent decades, the United States has pursued an approach to foreign policy known as primacy or liberal hegemony. This foreign policy has required active and aggressive U.S. military engagement around the globe that has undermined our safety and imperiled our prosperity and liberties. CKF supports scholars and research institutions interested in challenging the current approach, providing alternative visions for U.S. foreign policy, and engaging in research that can bridge the gap between ideas and policy. We are especially interested in foreign policy research projects from political science, international relations, history, or economics.

Charles Koch Foundation The Future of America's Alliances

The American-led global alliance system faces increasing stress and criticism. The Russian invasion of the Ukraine has intensified ongoing discussions about the future of NATO. American partners in the Middle East pursue their own priorities, often in opposition to American objectives. Failed attempts to unify disparate spokes of the U.S. alliance system in Asia reveal flawed assumptions in U.S. strategic thinking. Given problems with burden-sharing and conflicting interests, U.S. policymakers should reevaluate the costs and benefits of the U.S.'s security commitments. As a result, we are soliciting proposals for projects.

Comcast Innovation Fund Targeted Research Grants

The Comcast Innovation Fund was created to support technology and public policy research that contributes to the betterment of the Internet, and the continued evolution of connectivity products and services. The fund provides grants to technologists, researchers, and academics to support Internet- and connectivity-focused projects within the fund's areas of interest, which are updated annually.

Cornell Douglas Foundation Grants

Areas of Focus include Environmental Health and Justice, Land Conservation, Mountaintop Removal Mining, Sustainability of Resources, and Watershed Protection.

Emily Davie and Joseph S. Kornfeld Foundation Grants

We fund work that challenges threats to our democracy, empowers communities, and promotes activism across a range of issues. We support policy advocacy, community organizing, movement building, and technical assistance.

Hambidge Residencies Program

The oldest residency program in the Southeast, Hambidge provides a self-directed program that honors the creative process and trusts individuals to know what they need to cultivate their talent, whether it's to work and produce, to think, to experiment or to rejuvenate.  Residents' time is their own; there are no workshops, critiques, nor required activities. Each resident is given their own private studio which provides work and living space with a bathroom and full kitchen. The studios are designed to protect the time, space and solitude that allows residents to focus on their work. 

NEH Humanities Initiatives at Colleges and Universities

Humanities Initiatives strengthen the teaching and study of the humanities at institutions of higher education by developing new or enhancing existing programs, resources (including those in digital format), or courses that explore, interpret, and preserve the diversity of human cultures, ideas, and practices, past and present. Projects must address a core topic or set of themes drawn from humanities areas such as history, philosophy, religion, literature, or humanities-informed composition and writing skills.

NEH welcomes applications for projects that are modest in scope, duration, and budget, as well as applications for expansive, long-term projects.

IIS: Human Centered Computing Small Grants

Human-Centered Computing (HCC) supports research in human-computer interaction (HCI), taken broadly, integrating knowledge across disciplines-such as the social and behavioral sciences with computer and information sciences in order to design new computing systems to amplify diverse humans' physical, cognitive, and social capabilities to accomplish individual and collective goals; to assess benefits, effects, and risks of computing systems; and to understand how human, technical, and contextual aspects of systems interact to shape those effects.

NEH Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities

The Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities (IATDH) program supports national or regional (multistate) training programs for scholars, humanities professionals, and advanced graduate students to broaden and extend their knowledge of digital humanities. Through this program, NEH seeks to increase the number of humanities scholars and practitioners using digital technology in their research and to broadly disseminate knowledge about advanced technology tools and methodologies relevant to the humanities.  

NEH Institute for Higher Education Faculty

NEH-funded institutes are professional development programs that convene higher education faculty from across the nation to deepen their understanding of significant topics in the humanities and enrich their capacity for effective scholarship and teaching.

Institute for Humane Studies Grant

With research funding from the Institute of Humane Studies (IHS) at George Mason University, we offer you the chance to buy out one or more courses so you can focus more of your time on publishing your work.

Institute for Research on Women and Gender

Faculty members, postdoctoral scholars, and researchers from other institutions around the nation and the world, whose work focuses on women or gender may aqcuire a guest appointment at University of Michigan's Institute for Research on Women and Gender (IRWG) for up to one academic year, without funding. Visiting scholars are generally on sabbatical from their home institutions (that is, the title is not designed for independent scholars or those on the job market). This is intended to be used in conjunction with other awards. 

Joan Shorenstein Fellowship Program

The Joan Shorenstein Fellowship Program is designed to bring journalists, scholars, politicians and policymakers to the Shorenstein Center for a semester to work on a project with a tangible output, and engage with students, faculty, other fellows, and the broader Harvard Kennedy School community. They are expected to be fully-participating members of the Shorenstein Center community while in residence, attending and participating in Center events, social gatherings, and other activities.

Mesa Refuge Residency

A Mesa Refuge residency is an opportunity to develop ideas and present them to the public. We give priority to writers focusing on nature, the human economy and social equity. We encourage applicants from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. The Mesa Refuge offers the true gifts of time, space and support no daily fees are charged for residents, though many make donations.

Meta Elevate Coursera Scholarship

To support underrepresented communities, Meta Elevate is providing scholarships to Black learners working towards certification in digital skills and software engineering. As part of this effort, we’re awarding 100,000 scholarships to Black learners in the United States working towards a digital skills and software engineering certification through our Meta Career Programs.

Midwest Modern Language Association Short Term Fellowship

Researchers with short-term fellowships spend one to two months investigating specific collection items that are essential to their scholarship. These fellowship opportunities are open to scholars at the ABD stage and beyond. Supporting scholars working on projects in literary and cultural criticism.

Oak Spring Garden Foundation Interdisciplinary Residency Program

The goal of this program is to provide individuals with the time and space to pursue their own creative projects alongside other Residents who may be examining plants, landscapes, gardens, and the natural world from different perspectives. Artists, conservation practitioners, researchers, scholars, scientists, and/or writers are encouraged to apply to our Interdisciplinary Residency Program.

Russell Sage Foundation Social, Political, and Economic Inequality Program

The Russell Sage Foundation's (RSF) program on Social, Political, and Economic Inequality supports innovative research on the factors that contribute to social, political, and economic inequalities in the U.S., and the extent to which those inequalities affect social, political, psychological, and economic outcomes such as educational and labor market access and opportunities, social and economic mobility within and across generations, and civic participation and representation.

SAR Advanced Seminars

Advanced Seminars at the School for Advanced Research (SAR) promote in-depth communication among scholars who are at a critical stage of research on a shared topic and whose interaction has the potential to provide new insights into human evolution, behavior, culture, creativity, or society, including critical contemporary issues. SAR generally funds two or three traditional Advanced Seminars per year.

Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship

The Dissertation Fellowship program is committed to supporting the research training of promising doctoral students from a wide range of disciplines, taking up research relevant to the improvement of education. Funded by Spencer, but administered through the National Academy of Education, the $27,500 fellowships support individuals whose dissertations show potential for bringing fresh and productive perspectives to the history, theory, analysis, or practice of formal or informal education anywhere in the world.

Synchrony Tech Scholarship

The Synchrony Tech Scholarship supports autistic adults interested in obtaining technology-related certifications to pursue or advance their careers in the technology sector. This includes, but is not limited to, the following areas: cybersecurity, game/app development, web development, machine learning, data analytics, cloud computing, ethical hacking, and artificial intelligence. Programs must be completed through an accredited university or program.

NSF Research on Artificial Intelligence in K-12 Education

Proposed projects must include strong data-driven research methods in need of a quick response due to rapidly changing AI. NSF strongly encourages proposals that will sustain and advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM education research. Likewise, NSF is seeking proposals that will have an impact on underserved and underrepresented schools and communities. Requests for RAPID proposals may be for up to $200K and up to one year in duration.