Mark Rudnicki

- Professor of Practice in Forest Biomaterials
- Coordinator of Industrial Research, Innovation, and Commercialization
- Director of Ford Center and Forest
- PhD, Forest Biology and Management, University of Alberta
- MS, Forestry, Michigan Technological University
- BS, Natural Resources Management, Colorado State University
I am currently working on the Michigan Forest Biomaterials Initiative. This initiative is an ambitious endeavor to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Michigan by moving purposefully toward a future that takes responsible yet full advantage of Michigan’s renewable resources. Biomaterials hold tremendous promise for innovative developments, uses and applications across the renewable material and energy sectors as well as re-examining traditional biomaterial sectors such as wood production and adding value to wood products.
All of these have significant potential to create jobs in manufacturing, technology, research, and business that would bolster state and local economies. A coherent biomaterials initiative holds particular promise in Michigan where the current under-utilization of forests has poised an opportunity to aid in the economic recovery for the state and its citizens while leading to a greener future economy. For a truly sustainable future, these economic opportunities are paired with the challenges to simultaneously ensure ecosystem health for their regulating and cultural services on which we all depend.
Areas of Expertise
- Forest Biomaterials
- Tree biomechanics
- Wind and trees
- Dendrochronology
- Extension and Outreach