A table with post-it notes reading "user," "need," and "constraint."

A fast-changing world requires fast and nimble institutions. IDEAhub provides the tools of innovation and the community of practice needed to facilitate rapid and responsible changes in higher education

What is IDEAhub?

IDEAhub (Innovate, Design, Engage, Act) is an idea incubator and touchstone for creative interdisciplinary solutions to improve teaching and learning at Michigan Tech. We engage faculty, staff, students, and community members to identify and act on opportunities for educational innovation.

What’s in our toolbox?

IDEAhub seeks out the best tools to promote new ways of thinking about the problems we face. Our toolbox of approaches includes Design Thinking, Strategic Doing, Community Organizing, Premortem, as well as many others. We empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test—in order to make sure that we are solving the right problems and coming up with innovative, iterative, and scalable solutions to those problems. We listen to the stories of different stakeholders and invite them to come together to develop a shared narrative of what could be. We foster the community that is necessary to build sustainable change.

How can I get involved?

Have an idea for an educational innovation (large or small!) that you'd like support in prototyping and piloting? Interested in building your own innovation skills? Want to join a community of educational innovators at Michigan Tech? Fill out our contact form to indicate your interest. You can also contact our IDEAhub co-directors, Kelly Steelman (steelman@mtu.edu) or Maria Bergstrom (mjbergst@mtu.edu)

Idea hub light bulb logo

Do you have an idea?

Do you see a change that should be made on campus, but you're not sure who should be charged with making that change? Or do you want to implement your own idea, but need support? Let us know your idea, and how IDEAhub can help!

Tell us your idea

IDEAHub Team

IDEAHub Educational Innovation Strategists

Maria Bergstrom

  • Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, College of Sciences and Arts
  • Associate Teaching Professor, Humanities Department
  • Assistant Academic Advisor: Humanities and Modern Languages

Kelly Steelman

  • Department Chair and Associate Professor, Psychology and Human Factors
  • Affiliated Associate Professor, Computer Science