Internal Awards

These awards support research and scholarly endeavors of Michigan Tech faculty and students.

Bhakta Rath Research Award

The Bhakta Rath Research Award, established in 2010 by an endowment from Dr. Bhakta B. Rath and his wife, Sushama Rath, offers an opportunity to promote and reward excellence in scientific and engineering research in the field of physical and natural sciences and engineering.

Century II Campaign Endowed Equipment Fund (C2E2)

The Michigan Tech Century II Campaign Endowed Equipment Fund (C2E2) provides funding to invest in equipment related to research and to improve the lives of faculty, students, and staff campus-wide.

Faculty Fellow Program

The Faculty Fellow Program provides funding for fellows in four areas: sponsored programs; economic development and technology commercialization; strategic planning and budget; and compliance, integrity, and safety.

Graduate Assistant Cost Share (GACS) Program

The Graduate Assistant Cost Share (GACS) program is designed to assist faculty members who seek external support for graduate students in support of the University’s strategic goals.

Michigan Tech Research Award

The Michigan Tech Research Award, presented annually, recognizes sustained productive scholarly endeavor or a single noteworthy breakthrough in research results. Nominations should consider the impact the nominee has made toward advancement of knowledge or scholarship.

Research Excellence Fund (REF)

The Research Excellence Fund (REF) program awards grants in the following categories:

  1. research seed grants

  2. scholarship and creativity grants

Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURF)

This program provides funding for undergraduate students interested in spending 10 weeks developing an individual research project under the guidance of a Michigan Tech faculty advisor that serves as the mentor.

Undergraduate Research Internship Program (URIP)

This program provides funding for undergraduates who are interested in engaging in a research experience in a faculty member's laboratory.