Faculty and Staff Directory

  • Assistant Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Research Interests:

  • High-dimensional Data Inference
  • Directional Data
  • Matrix-free Methods

Area of Expertise:

  • Statistical Computing & Graphics
  • Spatial Statistics
  • Bayesian Statistics
  • Statistical Consulting
MaryFran Desrochers

MaryFran Desrochers

  • Instructor, Mathematical Sciences
  • Assistant Teaching Professor, Mathematical Sciences
  • Associate Teaching Professor, Mathematical Sciences
  • Director of Math Lab
  • Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Research Interests

  • Students' Learning Experiences in Classrooms
  • Discourse Analysis
  • Teacher Education
  • Teaching Professor, Mathematical Sciences
  • Director, First-Year Mathematics

Areas of Expertise

  • First-Year College Mathematics
  • Mathematics Education
  • Director, Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
  • Sr. Research Scientist, Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
  • Research Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Areas of Expertise

  • Graph Theory & Combinatorics
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Geospatial Analytics
  • Distributed Computing

Research Interests

  • Graph Learning and Graph Signal Processing
  • Geospatial Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Multi-Modal Data Fusion
  • Edge Computing
  • Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Links of Interest

Areas of Expertise

  • Combinatorics, partition theory, q-series, generating function identities
Philip Kendall
"How can we tell the difference between what we would like to be true and what is actually true? The answer is science."
—Michael Shermer
  • Associate Teaching Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Areas of Expertise

  • Probability and Statistics
  • Professor, Mathematical Sciences
  • Interim Department Chair

Areas of Expertise

  • Combinatorial designs
  • Graph decompositions
  • Graph colorings
  • Assistant Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Areas of Expertise

  • Multivariate data analysis
  • Semiparametric regression for functional estimation
  • Variable selection

Research Interests

  • Covariance matrix estimation and graphical modeling
  • Kernel regression in machine learning
  • High-dimensional data analysis
  • Statistical inference with measurement error in covariates
  • Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Areas of Expertise

  • Applied mathematics
  • Online and hybrid (online/classroom) education
  • Deputy Director, Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
  • Research Engineer/Scientist, Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
  • Research Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Areas of Expertise

  • Algebraic Geometry
  • Representation Theory

Research Interests

  • Algebraic Structures Underlying Optimization Problems and Applications of Emerging Statistical Tools to Signal Processing and Source Separation Problems
  • Multi-Agent Autonomy
  • Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Links of Interest

Areas of Expertise

  • Turbulence Modeling, Computational Fluid dynamics
  • High-accuracy numerical methods for PDEs
  • Uncertainty Quantification, high-dimensional integration
  • Research Engineer/Scientist, Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
  • Research Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Areas of Expertise

  • Mathematical Physics/PDE
  • Lyapunov Stability of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
  • Optimization

Research Interests

  • Reinforcement Machine Learning
  • Knowledge Graph Reasoning
  • Optimal Control
Patrick McFall

Patrick McFall

  • Assistant Teaching Professor, Mathematical Sciences
Ray Molzon

Ray Molzon

  • Associate Teaching Professor, Mathematical Sciences
Shamshun Nisa

Shamshun Nisa

  • Department Coordinator
  • Associate Teaching Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Areas of Expertise

  • Applied Mathematics
  • Fluid Flow
  • Evolutionary Ecology
  • Finance
  • PDEs
  • Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Links of Interest

Areas of Expertise

  • Composites Modeling
  • Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Links of Interest

Areas of Expertise

  • Scientific computing
  • Numerical PDEs
  • Parallel Computing
  • Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra
  • Dimension Reduction
  • Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Links of Interest


  • Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
  • Numerical PDEs
  • Radial Basis Functions Method
  • Fractional Differential Equations
  • Administrative Aide
  • Graduate Assistant
  • Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Areas of Expertise

  • Time Series Analysis
  • Econometrics
  • Bootstrap/Resampling

Research Interests

  • Unit Root Testing
  • Spatio-temporal models
  • p-value combination
  • Heavy-tailed distributions
Robert Schneider
"Each day we go to our work in the hope of discovering"
—Nikola Tesla
  • Assistant Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Areas of Expertise

  • Number Theory
  • Combinatorics
  • Distinguished Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Areas of Expertise

  • Statistical Genetics
  • Applied Statistics
Allan Struthers
"Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."
—Theodore Roosevelt
  • Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Links of Interest

Areas of Expertise

  • Algorithms that can be parallelized on GPUs
  • Applications of differential equations to science and engineering
  • Richard and Elizabeth Henes Endowed Professor (Mathematics)

Links of Interest

Area of Expertise

  • Numerical Methods for PDEs
  • Inverse Problems
  • Scientific Computing
  • EM methods in Geophysics
  • Distinguished Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Links of Interest

Areas of Expertise

  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Coding Theory
  • Combinatorics
  • Finite Geometry
Tim Wagner

Tim Wagner

  • Assistant Teaching Professor, Mathematical Sciences
  • Math Learning Center Director, Mathematical Sciences

Areas of Expertise

  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Professor
  • Editor-in-Chief, Forestry Research (ForRes)
  • Affiliated Professor, Department of Computer Science & Department of Mathematics

Software developed by Wei group


    Research Interests

  • Bioinformatics tool and software development
  • Identification of genes regulating complex traits via systems biology approaches
  • Algorithms for gene network construction;
  • Genomics of wood formation
  • Functional genomics.
  • Genome Assembly and annotation



  • Associate Teaching Professor, Mathematical Sciences
  • Assistant to the Chair, Mathematical Sciences

Service Roles

  • Class scheduling
  • Final exam coordination
  • Transfer credit evaluation
  • Curriculum binder coordination
  • Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Areas of Expertise

  • Numerical PDE, Scientific computing
  • Computational modeling of Nafion material
  • Mathematical image processing, inverse problems, nonlinear optics
  • Professor, Mathematical Sciences
  • Graduate Program Director


  • Superconvergence of discontinuous Galerkin methods
  • Numerical cosmology
  • Single and multi-phase flows in (fractured) porous media
  • Discrete fracture model
  • Numerical methods for partial differential equations with blow-up solutions
  • Numerical simulations for gaseous detonation
Fabrizio Zanello
"Luxury is a necessity that begins where necessity ends."
—Coco Chanel
  • Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Areas of Expertise

  • Algebraic and Enumerative Combinatorics
  • Commutative Algebra
  • Partition Theory
Debra Zei

Debra Zei

  • Instructor, Mathematical Sciences
  • Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Links of Interest

Areas of Expertise

  • Statistical Genetics and Genomics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Biostatistics
  • Applied Statistics
  • Assistant Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Areas  of Expertise

  • The Finite Elements Methods
  • Finite Element Exterior Calculus
  • Numerical Methods for High-order Problems
  • The Quad-curl Problem
  • Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Areas of Expertise

  • Bayesian computation
  • Missing data analysis
  • Longitudinal and multivariate data analysis
  • Assistant Professor, Health Informatics, Applied Computing
  • Affiliated Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Mathematical Sciences

Teaching Interests

  • Medical Informatics
  • Medical Image Analysis

Areas of Expertise

  • Image Processing and Computer Vision
  • Machine Learning
  • Medical Image Analysis
  • Health Informatics
  • Text Mining