Develop a language to guarantee file security. Add more variables to control firewall access and help system administrators navigate the complexity. Teach students modern models of access control using visualization systems, and how to code securely. Most cyber attacks aren't new—they are new to those encountering them. Cloud computing to mobile devices, software to hardware, we research how to prepare the workforce for predicting, avoiding, and dealing with cyberattacks.
"Our goal is to keep the data safe not only by controlling who has access, but by ensuring file integrity. The system we developed will detect when security is compromised and provide students with an explanation."
Current Project
Project Title: Integrity as a Data Property
Investigator: Jean Mayo
Overview: Data integrity is often protected by restricting the executables that can operate against the data and then assuring these programs meet performance specifications. This project is investigating the protection of data integrity through specifications for the data content, allowing any program to operate on the data so long as the data specification followed.
- Associate Professor, Computer Science
- 906-487-3149
- Rekhi 301
Links of Interest
Areas of Expertise
- Mobile Device Security
- Cloud Computing Security
- Internet of Things Security
- Cyber-Physical Systems Security
- Blockchain
- Professor, Computer Science
- Graduate Program Director, Computer Science
- 906-487-3157
- Rekhi Hall 304
Links of Interest
Area of Expertise
- Distributed Systems
- Operating Systems
- Security
- Computer Science Education
Explore Computer Science Research
Focus Areas
Research Groups
- Automated Software Design (ASD) Laboratory
- Institute of Computing and Cybersystems
- Multithreaded Programming