Academic Policies

Policies to Know

Course Fees

Credit Hours

Forming Agreements

Honorary Degrees

Online Courses and Programs

Policy Hierarchy

Academic policies and procedures are set at a variety of levels and maintained by varying administrative bodies across campus. To help understand how different policies work together, a policy hierarchy exists at Michigan Technological University. See University Policy 1.01 "University Policy on Policy Structure" for additional information.

Important academic policy exists at the following levels and are listed in order of their rank (where Board of Trustees policy has highest precedence):

Through a system of shared governance, proposals that are reviewed and approved by the University Senate may set, inform, or modify academic policy or procedure at a different hierarchy level.

Should two or more policy statements be in conflict, the one with the higher precedence should be used. For example, while a Board policy may have started as a senate proposal, the Board policy statement will outrank the senate proposal or any related senate policy/procedure.

In no case may any internal, Michigan Tech policy or procedure be in conflict with federal or state law.

Per University Policy 1.01,  "Questions regarding policy hierarchy or interaction are to be submitted to the Office of General Counsel for review and interpretation."