Understanding Policy

University policy has institution-wide application, helps ensure compliance, enhances the University's mission, and/or reduces institutional risk. Effective policy is facilitated by collaboration in the policy-making process. Michigan Tech policies are owned by a "responsible office" under the authority of an "executive team member," however, working committees of stakeholders across campus are used to assist with policy development. During development, policies receive rigorous review by the University Policy Office (UPO), the University Policy Review Committee (UPRC), and legal counsel (as needed). Official University Policies are presented in a consistent format, are formally approved, and are housed in a central policy library.

At all stages of the policy process, the University Policy Office provides support and resources to the responsible office. The Policy Development Toolkit includes a variety of documents, information, and resources to assist in the policy development process. To gain a better understating of policies at Michigan Tech, please review the resources provided below:

University Policy Proposal Form

The University Policy Proposal Form is the first step in the policy development process. This form assists the University Policy Office in working with the responsible office to determine the need for the proposed policy or policy revision.

Establishing and Creating University Policy and Procedures

In 2004, the University issued its "Policy on Policies." This policy defines the steps in which Official University Policies are formally implemented.

Policy Format and Organization

This document provides information on the standard format and organization of University Policy.

Developing University Policy

This is a detailed guide on developing new university policy.

Revising University Policy

On occasion, changes may need to be made to an existing university policy. This guide defines the difference between minor and major changes as well as how to proceed depending on the type of change needed.