Students can submit a work order with Maintenance Direct. Using the work order system allows you to track your repair request and get updates when they’re complete.
Just follow these steps:
- Enter name, email & phone number
- Select the location, area, & room number
- Click the “General Maintenance” icon
- Write a description of the issue. Be specific!
If your issues are with a washer or dryer, include the machine numbers
If your issue is a common area, specify the location - Request a completion date
- OPTIONAL: Attach pictures if you have them
- Click submit
What to expect after your work order is submitted:
- You will receive a confirmation email sent to your inbox
- You may receive notifications updating you what is going on with your work order via email
- In most cases and depending on the size of the work, a non-emergency work order should
be completed in 5 business days
For an emergency that is a threat to the life or safety of an individual or the community (flooding, loss of heat, etc.), notify your RA and call the Facilities emergency line at 906-487-0001.