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Study natural resources on the shores of Lake Superior in one of the largest contiguous forests in the eastern United States, where faculty and students are on a first-name basis. Experience a 14-week field semester in our nationally designated Model Forest. Research, right away, including $1,100 earn-and-learn assistantships for every incoming student. Dig deep into forestry, wildlife ecology and management, environmental science, biotechnology and molecular genetics, forest biomaterials, and geospatial technology. Sustainable careers that sustain our environment begin here. 


Wildlife Ecology and Management

Natural Resources and Environmental Science

Biotechnology and Molecular Genetics

Sustainable Bioproducts

Remote Sensing and Geospatial

  • All of our undergraduate programs have a strong geospatial component, including classes in geographic information systems, land measurements, and GPS and remote sensing. We also include geospatial components in all of our graduate programs.
  • Professional degree: Masters of Geographic Information Science.

* Accredited by the Society of American Foresters 

  • 5.6:1
    student-faculty ratio
  • $250K
    in scholarships to CFRES students annually
  • 714
    minimum hours of outdoor course work