Title IX Events

Vector Online Training

Michigan Tech is a member of the Campus Prevention Network through Vector. Vector Training is a required educational program for all Michigan Tech employees and all incoming first-year, transfer and graduate students . For students, the training is assigned during new student orientation and throughout an incoming student's first semester. At the recommendation of the US Department of Education, Michigan Tech requires this online course on anti-harassment, discrimination and retaliation for employees. This course also satisfies the federal requirement for training mandated by the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and Title IX. If you would like access to a Vector training course, please contact Title IX or email titleix@mtu.edu.

If you are visually impaired, please work through your assigned Vector course with the Accessibility Mode turned on, along with a screen reader. The courses work together with a screen reader to allow a user to participate in the interactive training and work through the modules completely and successfully. 

Title IX Presentations and Workshops Available

Title IX Events

In an effort to reduce the risk of gender discrimination, and sexual misconduct such as sexual harassment and sexual violence, including the crimes of rape, sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, and domestic violence occurring among students and employees, Michigan Tech utilizes a range of campaigns, strategies, and initiatives to promote awareness, education, risk reduction, and prevention programming and training.

Programs and campaigns offered throughout the year include strong messages regarding not just awareness, but also primary prevention, bystander intervention, and discussions concerning institutional policies on sexual and/or relationship misconduct and sex/gender discrimination. Programs also offer information on risk reduction that strives to empower victims, how to recognize warning signals and how to avoid potential attacks, and do so without victim-blaming approaches.  Examples of training that take place at Michigan Tech are the Master Student-Athlete course for all new student-athletes and the Life @ Michigan Tech class for all new International students. All first-year students attend an in-person sexual assault prevention training program.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month Events

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Below you will find events offered this month by both SAVE and Copper Shores

Teal Ribbons for Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Date: Month of April
Description: During the Month of April there will be Teal Ribbons displayed throughout campus. Teal has become the signature color for sexual assault awareness and wearing a teal ribbon symbolizes supporting survivors of sexual violence. These ribbons are meant to create conversation on campus about how we can create a community in which all members feel safe and supported.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) Day of Action

Date: April
Description: Michigan Tech Title IX and the student organization Sexual Assault & Violence Education invite you to wear teal for the annual Sexual Assault Awareness Month Day of Action with The National Sexual Violence Resource Center, a non profit devoted to serving survivors of sexual violence. Help turn social media teal — the color of sexual assault awareness and prevention — by sharing a teal selfie using #SAAM to show support for survivors. Tag @MichiganTechSpeakUp on Instagram or Facebook and let us know why you chose to wear teal! Teal ribbons, t-shirts, nails, hair, makeup, jewelry, ties, and other accessories have been popular items worn in the past. 

You can also take the It's On Us pledge and share your pledge through social media. Sample post: Today is the Sexual Assault Awareness Month Day of Action, and I'm wearing teal to show my support for survivors. #SAAM #MichiganTechSpeakUp

Cover the Cruiser at Spring Fling

Date: April
Description: During Spring Fling, Public Safety and Police Services along with the student organizations SAVE and Triangle will be covering a Michigan Tech police cruiser with sticky notes to show support for survivors for sexual and domestic violence. Show your support and stop by to help cover the cruiser, show your support for survivors and help us to prevent violence!

Puppy Parade for Awareness

Date: April
Description: Community members and pet owners are invited to bring their dogs out for some exercise, and show off their paws for a cause. Rallying together shows victims that they have a support network in their community and that they are not alone. 

Denim Day

Date: April 
Description: Michigan Tech Title IX invites you to proudly wear denim with a purpose for International Denim Day to support survivors and educate our community about the forms of sexual violence as a part of  Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Tag us on Facebook and Instagram (@MichiganTechSpeakUp) in a post to social media with a photo of yourself wearing denim and tell us why you chose to wear denim for #DenimDay.

Denim Day was founded after a 1999 Italian Supreme Court decision overturned a rape conviction because the victim wore tight jeans. Enraged by the verdict, within hours the women in the Italian Parliament launched into action and protested by wearing jeans on the steps of the Supreme Court.

Peace Over Violence, a nonprofit organization in Los Angeles, organized the country’s first Denim Day event in 1999. You can find more information about Denim Day at https://www.denimdayinfo.org/.