Fire Evacuation Safety and Instructions

Fire-fighting equipment and evacuation routes are posted throughout each residence hall. Be familiar with what direction you should go in when fire alarms go off. 

Fire drills are used to acquaint residents with fire-evacuation procedures. Residents will be given information regarding the fire alarm and evacuation procedures for the hall during their first house meeting. All residents must evacuate when a fire alarm sounds. Failure to evacuate during fire alarms will result in disciplinary action.

Resident Evacuation Instructions

  • Turn on the ceiling light and open any draperies. This allows the Fire Department to check rooms from the outside for smoke. Lights that are not on or not functioning also indicate a problem in that area.
  • Close all windows. By reducing drafts in the building, the spread of smoke and fire will be slowed. Windows should always be completely unobstructed.
  • Touch every door to test for heat before opening. If it is warm, do not open it. If the air in the hall is hot enough to detect through the door, one breath of this air could be fatal. A cool door may still have heated air behind it; the door may not have had time to become heated. Before opening a door, brace yourself against it and crack it slightly open to check the incoming air at the top of the door with your hand. The pressure from superheated air is usually strong enough to force open the door.
  • If you are trapped in your room by fire, keep your door and window closed tightly and stand in full view in the window until help arrives.
  • Exit your residence hall by your assigned route as soon as possible. Wear shoes; take your coat, room key, and Michigan Tech ID. Close and lock the door. Be silent and listen for directions. Use stairs to exit; do not use elevators. Stay low to the ground in smoky areas.
  • When you leave the building, move to your assigned meeting area which will be at least one hundred feet away from the building. This will allow fire-fighting equipment and personnel to move freely in the area surrounding the building. Move further away from the building if instructed by Housing and Residential Life staff, the fire department, or any other emergency personnel.
  • Do not attempt to return to your room or re-enter the building. Wait for instructions. You may re-enter the building when the alarm is silenced or after the fire department approved reentry.

It is against State of Michigan law to use fire equipment for a purpose other than it's intended use. Individuals tampering with fire extinguishers, fire alarms, smoke detectors, or other fire-fighting equipment are subject to immediate and complete dismissal from the University.

It is prohibited to obstruct or hang anything from the Residence Hall fire sprinkler system at any time. This includes piping, sprinkler head, and valves.