6.3.3 Supplement Retirement Annuities (SRA)

Michigan Tech offers tax-deferred as well as after-tax Roth supplemental retirement programs that allow employees to contribute additional money for retirement.

12/08/2016 - Annual Review: No changes made to content.
01/29/2015 - Annual Review: To reflect current practice, the email address for questions is now policy@mtu.edu. "Michigan Tech offers tax-deferred supplemental retirement ..." now reads "Michigan Tech offers tax-deferred as well as after-tax Roth supplemental retirement ...".
02/21/2014 - Annual Review: Updated Michigan Tech and Handbook banners. "Michigan Tech participates with outside retirement vendors to provide supplemental retirement programs that allows employees to tax shelter additional money for retirement" now reads "Michigan Tech offers tax-deferred supplemental retirement programs that allow employees to contribute additional money for retirement".
06/22/2011 - Annual Review: Revised to reflect current University titles and practice, Tax Sheltered Annuities is now Supplement Retirement Annuities (SRA), and the email address for questions is now hbwebmaster.
10/20/2010 - Format changes.