Informal Leave of Absence

A leave of absence may be granted for personal reasons for a period not to exceed fourteen calendar days. Written application must be made to an employee's immediate supervisor, and approved by the department chair/school dean and Human Resources. Such a leave may not be extended.

12/08/2016 - Annual Review: No changes made to content.
01/28/2015 - Annual Review: To reflect current practice, the email address for questions is now policy@mtu.edu. No changes made to content.
02/20/2014 - Annual Review: Updated Michigan Tech and Handbook banners, no changes made to content.
06/22/2011 - Annual Review: To reflect current University titles and practice, MTU is now Michigan Tech and the email address for questions is now hbwebmaster.
08/13/2008 - Format changes made.  Deleted reference to a rescinded Board Policy (5.6.2).