Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) are consistent with and directly support the education, research and service goals of Michigan Tech. Diversity1 refers to individuals’ identities that include race, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, height, weight, genetic information, marital status, disabled veteran status, veteran status, or disability, some of which are not visible. Equity refers to the fair treatment, access, opportunity and advancement of all people, achieved by intentional focus on their disparate needs, conditions and abilities. Inclusion is a set of practices that ensure each member of a community feels they are welcome and valued for their perspectives and experiences.
DEI efforts related to teaching, research, scholarly activity and service are valued within the Michigan Tech community, and include, but are not limited to, activities such as the following: curricular development that furthers diversity, equity, and inclusion; pedagogical practices that promote inclusivity; mentoring and advising of students, faculty, and staff on issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion; mentoring and advising students, faculty, and staff from underrepresented or underserved groups; and research and scholarship that examines and furthers knowledge and understanding related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The University recognizes that these activities support the University’s vision to be a globally recognized technological university that educates students, advances knowledge, and innovates to improve the quality of life and to promote mutual respect and equity for all people. As such, the University is committed to increased representation of these efforts in promotion, tenure, review, and merit evaluations.
1 Matches the language on our Equal Opportunity page
Senate Proposal 55-21, which was modified by the Senate officers and University administration before going to the Board of Trustees for approval.
02/25/2022 - Board of Trustees approved Senate proposal 55-21 with modifications by
Senate officers and University administration.