Michigan Tech is a Green Power Partner
We've joined the EPA Green Power Partnership and are using 18,002,174 kilowatt-hours
of green power annually. We have been committed to improving our environmental performance
and reducing the risks associated with climate change by switching to green power.
Currently, 50% of our purchased electricity is from renewable wind power. Our commitment for 50%
wind power extends through December 2025.
What is Green Power? Green power is a subset of renewable energy and represents those renewable energy
resources that provide the highest environmental benefit, substantially reducing the
university's carbon footprint. For more information on the EPA's Green Power Partnership,
visit https://www.epa.gov/greenpower.
About Energy Management
We provide safe, sustainable, cost-effective heating and cooling services. We supply steam to buildings. Operate and maintain heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Operate and maintain generators. We purchase fuels and electricity while maintaining cost control. And we conserve energy.
Steam Service
The Central Energy Plant generates and delivers steam to each main campus building for space heating, cooking, and domestic hot water.
- Total steam capacity: 130,000 lbs. per hour at 80 psig
- Fuel: natural gas with fuel oil backup
HVAC Systems Control
The Central Energy Plant Control Room monitors and controls heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in all campus buildings. Operators:
- Set occupied and unoccupied schedules for classrooms, offices, and labs
- Start and stop ventilation equipment
- Monitor and troubleshoot alarms
- Maximize occupant comfort and system efficiency
Campus Generators
The Central Energy Plant maintains and operates four generators, with a total generating capacity of 9.0 MW at 12,470 volts.
- Caterpillar 3516B 69.0 liter V-16 diesel engines, 2,250 kW output each
- Engines are capable of operating on biodiesel
- Can restore power to the entire campus within two minutes in an emergency
Monitor and Control Utility Costs
We prepare budgets and cost estimates for water, electricity, and natural gas, monitor energy and water use in each building and:
- Monitor and intervene in utility rate cases
- Purchase electricity and natural gas
- Manage energy-saving projects