Degree Options

Double Majors

A single Michigan Technological University bachelor's degree with two majors is granted when all requirements of both majors are satisfied at the same time. A student who completes a double major will be awarded one diploma listing both majors, for example, "Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with an Additional Major in Mathematics."

  • The double major is distinctly different from the second degree. Majoring in two subjects does not require additional credit hours beyond departmental requirements and only a single degree is granted. Double majors work best for degree programs with similar curricular structures. When two majors have very different requirements necessitating the completion of 32 or more "additional" credits, students should consider a second degree program that results in the awarding of two distinct baccalaureate degrees and diplomas.
  • A student pursuing a double major will designate one as the primary major. Students planning to earn a double major should declare both majors and begin planning their course work as early as possible. Advisors must be identified in the departments of both majors in order to assure that the degree requirements of both are met.
  • Students may only earn an additional major if that major is offered under the same degree type (Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts) as the primary major.  If the degree types for the majors are different then the student must pursue a second degree.
  • If a single department offers two distinct majors, it is possible to complete a double major within that department by fulfilling the requirements for both majors. However, student may not earn a double concentration or option within a single major.
  • In the event that both majors require a senior project, a student may petition both departments to accept one project for both majors prior to beginning the senior project.
  • Students who have previously been awarded a degree cannot have the double major designation added to their transcript.

Students desiring a double major should meet with the advisor of the double major's department.  The student must then use the Curriculum Change Portlet to add the double major.

Additional Degrees

A student enrolled at Michigan Tech who is currently pursuing (or already has) a baccalaureate degree or degrees can obtain an additional baccalaureate degree from Michigan Tech. Students must initiate the process for obtaining an additional degree by completing a degree audit with their additional degree advisor. Unlike a double major, an additional baccalaureate degree (or degrees) will grant the student an entirely separate diploma.

A student enrolled at Michigan Tech and pursuing a baccalaureate degree can earn an additional baccalaureate degree or degrees at the same time if they:

  • Satisfy the degree requirements for each baccalaureate program.
  • Earn at least 32 of the credit hours required for each additional degree through Michigan Tech without having applied those credits to any other baccalaureate or minor degree program. The academic unit offering the additional degree can allow course substitutions provided that the 32 credit hour minimum is maintained.

A student interested in pursuing an additional degree should first express interest to the additional degree's department. The student must then use the Curriculum Change Portlet to add the degree, 

An enrolled student who already has earned a baccalaureate degree (either from Michigan Tech or from a regionally accredited institution of higher education) can obtain an additional baccalaureate degree from Michigan Tech if they:

  • Satisfy the degree requirements for the additional baccalaureate program.
  • Earn at least 32 of the credit hours required for the additional degree through Michigan Tech without having applied those credits to any other baccalaureate or minor degree program. The academic unit offering the additional degree can allow course substitutions provided that the 32 credit hour minimum is maintained.

A student who has obtained a prior baccalaureate degree must complete an Additional Baccalaureate Degree Completion Form with an academic advisor from the degree-granting department.

Accelerated Graduate Certificates and Degrees

Undergraduate students may pursue a graduate certificate or a master’s degree concurrently with their baccalaureate degree. A limited number of credits may apply toward the graduate program while the student is pursuing their undergraduate degree. As there are several guidelines and requirements to follow, interested undergraduate students should contact the Graduate School early on in their academic career for information regarding accelerated programs.

Change Your Academic Program

Degree-seeking undergraduate students considering a change of major, minor, or concentration should contact the prospective department for information regarding admission requirements.

After discussing the curriculum change with the appropriate advisor, students may use the Curriculum Change Portlet to request the change.

Questions regarding the curriculum change process may be directed to or the academic advisor.

General Education

General Education is an important and required component of every Michigan Tech degree. Michigan Tech's General Education program enables all students, regardless of major, to develop an understanding of science and the social and cultural contexts of our contemporary world. Please visit Michigan Tech's General Education page for additional information.