Mentoring Support

Are you interested in finding a mentor? Intrigued by the possible benefits of a mentor-mentee relationship? Whether you’re seeking informal mentorship or more formal advising, we have a variety of easy and effective tips for identifying individuals who can provide the mentoring you need.


Informal relationships can often transition into more formal mentoring experiences; even if they don’t start that way, they can still hold a lot of value. Some places to start:

  • Orientation Team Leaders
  • Residential Life staff
  • Commuter/Transfer Assistants
  • Teaching Assistants
  • Organization members: from social, service, academic, major/field specific, cultural, special interest, sports and recreation, residential groups
  • Academic advisors
  • Organization advisors
  • Success Coaches


These are the types of mentor-mentee relationships that involve regular meetings, personal goals, and mutual expectations.