Biological Sciences Alumni

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Distinguished Alumni

Randall Isaacson

Randall Isaacson

'88, '86

Randall E. Isaacson graduated from Michigan Technological University in 1986 with a BS in Biological Sciences and an MS in Rhetoric and Technical Communication in 1988. His master's thesis studied language patterns in small group communication during simulated scientific problem solving. He began his career as a medical copywriter at Roche Pharmaceuticals in New Jersey, and later joined VICOM/FCB, a medical advertising . . .

Distinguished Alumni

Jeffrey Haskins

Jeffrey Haskins

'86, '86

Dr. Haskins received dual BS degrees in Biological Sciences and Chemistry from Michigan Technological University in 1986. He earned a MS in Toxicology from the University of Michigan in 1988, and a PhD in Environmental Health Sciences in 1998. Dr. Haskins professional career began in 1988 at the Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, Michigan as an Industrial Toxicologist for North American Plant Operations. He evaluated . . .

Distinguished Alumni

Jeffrey Jentzen

Jeffrey Jentzen


A resident of Ypsilanti, Michigan and graduate of Ypsilanti High School, Dr. Jentzen is a 1975 graduate of Michigan Technological University. He received a B.S. degree in biological sciences. While at Tech he also played varsity football and competed in wrestling. He was the 1971 Outstanding Freshman Athlete. After attending Michigan Tech, he began his medical career attending the Autonomous University of Guadalajara . . .

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