Proposal 37-16

The University Senate of Michigan Technological University

Proposal 37-16 (editorial changes: 04-20-16)
(Voting Units: Academic)

“Amendments to Final Exam Policy 602.1” 

PDF version of Proposal 37-16

In order to support the university strategic plan to emphasize action-based learning this proposal changes the final exam policy to refer to final evaluations instead of exams or tests. The policy also changes wording that emphasized knowledge accumulation to wording that emphasizes student development and growth. 

Amendments to Final Exam Evaluation Policy 602.1
Final evaluations are those evaluations scheduled for a special period following the last week of instruction that is referred to as "final evaluation week". This period begins and ends with the first and last officially scheduled final evaluations. Each department shall designate all courses or sections of courses in which final evaluations are to be given.

A comprehensive final evaluation designed to measure the student's overall development is considered good teaching policy. However, no regulations shall attempt to govern the content or form of a final evaluation. A final evaluation could be either incremental or comprehensive.

No final evaluation will be given earlier than the final evaluation week. In classes which do not have final evaluations the instructor may not give any major tests or evaluations during the last week of regularly scheduled classes, because such an evaluation would be in effect a final evaluation given earlier than the final evaluation week. However, departments with lab courses can choose to exempt lab evaluations from this policy. Make-up evaluations for illness or other excused absences may be administered before or after the scheduled time, consistent with maintenance of evaluation security.

No final evaluations shall be scheduled on Sunday, unless the regular instruction periods are also scheduled on Sunday.

No regular instruction is to be continued during the final evaluation week, except that the final evaluation time assigned to a course can be used for instruction if an instructor so desires.

The University shall not schedule, nor shall the students participate in, any official function during the scheduled final evaluation period, except events whose date is beyond the control of the University.

It is the responsibility of the chair of each department to prevent violations of the final evaluation policy. Students may report violations of the policy to the chair of the instructor's department either in person or by anonymous note. Students may similarly report violations to the office of the Dean of Student Affairs; these reports will be forwarded to the departmental chair for appropriate action.

Any departures from an officially scheduled evaluation time must be approved by the scheduling office.

Absences from final evaluations need not be excused when caused by a student scheduling courses with conflicting final evaluation times.

No student shall be required to take more than three evaluations per calendar day.   Students who have accommodations should refer to Policy 605.1 which may further limit the number of evaluations.

Conflicts will be resolved by the Dean of Student Affairs.

Proposal 10-94:
Adopted by Senate: October 25, 1995
Approved by Senate: January 3, 1996

Became Senate Policy 602.1

Proposal 39-15:
Introduced to Senate: April 1, 2015
Approved by Senate: April 15, 2015
Approved by Administration with Editorial Change: April 22, 2015
Senate Approved Editorial Change: September 9, 2015

Proposal 37-16:
Introduced to Senate: April 6, 2016
Editorial changes : April 20, 2016
Approved by Senate: April 20, 2016
Disapproved by Administration: May 17, 2016  (admin response)
Sent back to committee by Senate: September 7, 2016