APS LABS Courses for MEDC Partners



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Introduction: Collaborating for the Future of Michigan's Mobility Industry

Michigan Technological University and the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) are collaborating to help build competitive cross-industry talent to support the future of electrification and mobility in the state. Building this talent requires assisting current and future automotive industry employees so that they develop with evolving industry.

Therefore, MTU's Advanced Power Systems (APS) LABS is offering short, non-credit professional development courses that will assist MEDC-approved organizations in assisting their employees to develop high-tech knowledge, skills, and expertise in the areas of electric vehicles, electrification, and mobility. Currently, APS LABS is offering several 20-hour professional development/learning courses on various topics connected to electrification and mobility, and one shorter course on battery voltage and high-voltage safety.

If you require more information about these courses, such as scheduling, pricing, and so on, please contact Vinicius Vinhaes. Vinhaes is the manager of  Training and Curriculum Development for the Advanced Power Systems Research Center (APSRC), as well as adjunct assistant professor for the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

Overview of MEDC-Approved APS LABS Courses

Instructors: These courses, which are available on demand, are taught by an instructional team who has decades of knowledge in electrification and mobility: Jeffrey D. Naber, Jeremy Worm, and Vinicius Bonfochi Vinhaes.

Modality: All courses are offered fully in-person, fully online, or hybrid (a blend of online and in-person). The cost per person varies depending on the modality of the course.

Prerequisites: Those who enroll must have previously earned an undergraduate degree (BS) in Engineering or Technology.

Content and Equipment: APS LABS provides the content as well as any required equipment. The content may be delivered on-site through the APS Mobile Lab or online through the website of our professional development program.

Proof of Completion: Those who successfully finish the course will receive a certificate of completion.

Two engineers look at a giant electrified engine.

Two engineers work on a problem inside the sprawling. multidisciplinary APS LAB, which is located in the MEEM building on the Michigan Tech Campus.

Current Professional Development Courses

Two engineers working at a computer station inside the APS Mobile Lab

Participants tear down a battery in this APS LABS class.

Participants of short courses working on real problems and developing hands-on skills inside APS Mobile Lab.

"The International Energy Agency (IEA) found that global sales of EVs surpassed 10 million in 2022. Almost 1 million of these purchases were made in the U.S., which was a 57% increase over the previous year. . . [I]t’s clear that EV sales will continue to grow if people keep adopting these vehicles."Alexander Carver, "The Future of Electric Vehicles: What's Holding Us Back?