Presenting and Publishing Research

Getting the results of your research out in front of the public can be both very rewarding and very challenging. The typical methods of research outreach for ecosystem science include presenting at research meetings and conferences and publishing articles in science. We list some of the opportunities for presentations below and recommend speaking with your research advisor about publications. However, one could also consider other audiences and means of outreach, including social media, news media, websites, etc. Feel free to contact us with any questions. 

Research Symposiums

Annual ESC Student Research Forum

Graduate and undergraduate students are invited to participate in the Annual ESC Student Research Forum. Present your poster covering advanced or preliminary research, get feedback to help with regional or national meetings—and compete for cash prizes. More information on the Research Forum page

MTU Undergraduate Research Symposium

The Pavlis Honors College holds an annual Undergraduate Research Symposium. More information found at Pavlis Research Symposium.

World Water Day

The Great Lakes Research Center holds a World Water Day event annually in March. It typically includes an opportunity for students to present their research as a poster or in a Three Minute Thesis-style research competition.  Open to undergraduate and graduate students of all majors. Find more information at World Water Day.