Focus Areas and Labs

All of our researchers have graduate and undergraduate research assistants. Our graduate students can pursue an MS in Kinesiology, a PhD in Integrative Physiology, a PhD through Biological Sciences, Human Factors, or Physical Therapy. To learn more about possible research assistant opportunities, visit our employment page or email us at

Research in Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology focuses on these areas:

Students looking a results of a test on a laptop

Cardiovascular Physiology Laboratory

Students and faculty study how the human central nervous system regulates cardiovascular function, body fluid, and sodium homeostasis. Their work in the Cardiovascular Physiology Laboratory includes research on some of today’s most prevalent conditions, including hypertension, congestive heart failure, obesity and diabetes.

Researcher examining a student in the Integrative Physiology lab

Integrative Physiology Research Lab

Student and faculty researchers in the Integrative Physiology Laboratory work to better understand human cardiovascular disease and orthostatic hypotension by studying sympathetic neural control of circulation. Researchers use cutting-edge technology, such as finger plethysmography, transcranial Doppler, and microneurography – a specialized technique for recording post-ganglionic neural activity.

Researcher putting device on the wrist of a participant

Molecular Physiology

Molecular Physiology focuses on the neurogenic mechanisms of hypertension and associated cardiovascular diseases, with emphasis on developing novel targets for disease treatment and management. Research explores the role of the brain’s (pro)renin receptor (PRR) and other members of the renin angiotensin system in the development of hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and heart failure.

Participant on treadmill with reacher looking on

Exercise Physiology

Research in the Exercise Physiology Laboratory focuses on how the human nervous and musculoskeletal systems interact to give rise to coordinated locomotor movements. Through applied science research, clinical research, and education we aim to advance the understanding of human movement in order to maintain overall health, restore function, and improve performance.

Participant on a exercise bik with breathing mask and researcher taking measurements

Human Biomechanics

Biomechanics focuses on how the laws of physics act on the human body to influence performance and injury risk. Researchers in the Human Biomechanics Laboratory explore the factors that influence successful mobility in both clinical and occupational populations.

Student researcher fitting a brain monitoring cap on an elderly person's head

Aging and Cognition Action Lab

In the Aging and Cognition Action Laboratory, research is focused on understanding the nature of changes in cognitive function and motor behavior in healthy aging and dementia. The goal is to understand the broader impacts of cognitive declines on motor behavior through a multidisciplinary approach including methods of cognitive science, movement science, and neuroscience.

Rural Epidemiology

Rural Epidemiology

The Rural Epidemiology research focus is on individual and societal factors that impact the health of populations, specifically vulnerable populations in rural communities. This includes projects related to understanding and addressing determinants of food insecurity, breastfeeding and first foods, and vision health.
