Advising and Internships

Meeting regularly with an advisor is a great way to stay on track with your degree requirements. Our Undergraduate Academic Advisor can help answer your questions. The humanities internship program offers students the opportunity to earn credit towards their degrees while gaining valuable on-the-job experience (see more details below). 


Jenni Nance

  • Assistant Teaching Professor of Scientific and Technical Communication
  • Academic Advisor in Humanities
  • SYP Wild Writers Instructor

If you have advising questions, I am available by appointment or email. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can be of help to you.

Frequently Asked Advising Questions


When students take an internship for HU credit, the Humanities Internship Program Director coaches them through the job-search process and provides academic advising during the internship. This helps students to connect the practical experience that they're gaining to their academic program. Humanities internship credit can be earned in conjunction with a co-op through career services (usually during fall and spring semesters) or as a stand-alone course (usually during the summer semester).

I loved working with my team of writers and developers at Altair Engineering, where I was a technical writing intern, and freelance graphic design work such as logos and scientific posters. Altair is releasing a new version of their modeling software called Inspire Studio and I wrote instructions for the new user guide. The STC program at Michigan Tech not only prepared me for these jobs, with engineering and writing classes, but the faculty also gave me contacts and showed me new opportunities. There is a lot I get to do as an STC student, from science to engineering to design."Xena Cortez, Scientific and Technical Communication, 2018

Typically, students intern during their junior year (or the summer before their junior year), but it's never too early to begin researching possible internships. To get started, make an appointment with the internship director and read the Humanities Internship Guidelines and Proposal. You can also view a sample syllabus for the HU 4600 Internship course. Once you have found an internship, fill out, save, and email your completed Humanities Internship Proposal form (included in the guidelines document) to the internship director.

Information for Prospective Employers

Are you interested in hiring one of our students as an intern? Would you like help getting the word out about your internship? Contact the internship director to get started. You may also want to review our Humanities Internship Guidelines and Proposal

Internship Blog