E. Krause

Krause with an invasive rusty crayfish being held in front of them making a face that says yikes
"I am in love with what we are, not what we should be."


  • Outreach Coordinator
  • Chair, CFRES Diversity Committee
  • Vice President, National Society of American Foresters Diversity and Inclusion Working Group
  • Master of Forestry, College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University
  • Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice, Northern Michigan University
  • Minor: Wildland Firefighting, Northern Michigan University

Krause (They/Them)

My name is Krause! I am non-binary and use they/them pronouns. I recently finished my MF after working four years as a wildland firefighter with both the USFS and the Michigan DNR. Check out my podcast on Spotify - "Caught in the Krausefire" - to learn more about myself, others in CFRES, and more about natural resources! 

As the Outreach Coordinator in CFRES, I reach out to prospective students, alumni, agencies, universities, tribal members, community members, professors, folks in diversity, and many more.

My goal?  For CFRES to work with folks to build a more inclusive, diverse, sustainable, and educational experience among all of us involved in natural resources! 

Not only do I want students to come to CFRES to attain a degree in the natural resource field, but I want students to stay at Tech until they achieve their goals in an environment that feels like home to them. In the classroom, the lab, in the field, or out in the world... I want to help folks feel like they belong in the things they are most passionate about (most specifically, natural resources!)  This is why I connect with so many resources: to build a network of never ending opportunities for those who need it. 

Then what? I also collaborate with local (and not-so-local) companies and agencies to help those currently attaining or those who have already attained their education so they can get their boot in the door and start the career of their dreams! 

Interested in Natural Resources and want to get to know the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science and those in it? Call, text, or email me to set something up! 

CFRES just might be your new home.