Faculty Mentors Needed for MiCUP Scholars Program

The Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) is seeking faculty to serve as mentors for the 2023 MiCUP Scholars Program. This program targets low-income, underrepresented, first-generation students who wish to continue their education beyond community college.

The 2023 MiCUP program offers a seven-week summer experience (May 8 to June 22) that addresses the opportunities and challenges students face as they pursue a bachelor’s degree. Faculty mentors in the program will assist students with research projects in engineering, technology, business, computer science and health sciences.

All faculty interested in facilitating undergraduate research with MiCUP program participants should complete the Mentor Information Request Form. For questions, contact Christopher Sanders at cjsande1@mtu.edu or the CDI at cdi@mtu.edu.

Feedback Requested on Accessible and Affordable Course Materials at MTU

The Committee for Accessible and Affordable Learning Materials (CAALM) is looking for feedback on accessible and affordable course materials for Michigan Tech.

CAALM serves as a contact point for anyone in the University community with questions, concerns or feedback regarding the affordability and accessibility of textbooks and other course materials.

In the coming months, CAALM will discuss ways in which we can best engage Michigan Tech students, instructors, faculty and graduate teaching instructors/assistants in conversations on this topic. We’d like to hear from the campus community for ideas to reduce barriers to textbooks or for proven methods of making course materials more accessible for all students.

Questions and comments for the committee are welcome at any time. Please email the CAALM chair, Annelise Doll, at akdoll@mtu.edu.

Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Semifinalist Open Forum Postponed

Michigan Tech has invited four semifinalists to interview for Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. Each semifinalist will give two public presentations sharing their vision for MTU within the context of the strategic plan and how their experience has prepared them for this task.

Feb. 23 and 24 Presentations Postponed
Please update your calendars to reflect that semifinalist Sean Lane’s presentations have been postponed and will be rescheduled for a later date. Lane's presentations were originally scheduled today (Feb. 23) at 10:30 a.m. and tomorrow (Feb. 24) at 2 p.m.

All presentations will occur in the East Reading Room of the Van Pelt and Opie Library.

An opportunity to provide candidate feedback will be available on the search webpage at the conclusion of each semifinalist’s visit. Evaluation forms for candidates who have already presented are available now.

Annual Steam Shutdown

The annual steam shutdown will take place during the week following Spring Commencement, from April 30 through May 5 (weather permitting).

This outage is required to provide maintenance and service of the boilers and steam distribution system on campus. This planned maintenance improves the reliability of our system and reduces the likelihood of an unplanned failure during the winter heating season.

Note: There will not be heat or hot water in the affected buildings during the steam shutdown. There will be no distilled water available from the steam-driven stills. Steam-driven autoclaves/sterilizers will not be operational.

Annual steam shutdown dates/times:

  • Begins: Sunday, April 30, at noon
  • Ends: Friday, May 5, at noon

Buildings affected:

Administration Building
ROTC Building
Academic Office Building
Annex Building
Electrical Energy Resources Center
Dow Environmental Sciences and Engineering Building
Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts
Walker Arts and Humanities Center
Minerals and Materials Engineering Building
Grover C. Dillman Hall
Fisher Hall
J. R. Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library
U. J. Noblet Forestry Building
Chemical Sciences and Engineering Building
R. L. Smith Building (MEEM)
Student Development Complex
Kanwal and Ann Rekhi Hall
Douglass Houghton Hall
Memorial Union Building
Wadsworth Hall
McNair Hall
Central Heating Plant
Facilities Management
Hillside Place
Great Lakes Research Center

Annual Power Outage

Facilities Management has developed a five-year rotating plan to service the 12,470-volt switchgear and associated breakers on campus. Our campus electrical distribution system depends on this gear being in good working condition.

This work requires a two-night power outage that affects the least number of buildings possible. Please note that in most cases elevators, fume hoods, exhaust fans, ventilation equipment, normal lighting, plug-in appliances, and plug-in equipment will not operate during the outage. Only items connected to the building emergency generator will have power during the outage; the building emergency generators and battery systems that supply power to emergency/egress lighting and special equipment should function as normal. If you are unsure if your equipment connects to the building emergency generator, please contact the Facilities Management Building Mechanic for your building.

Information Technology will be turning off all network equipment in the affected buildings for these outages starting at 5 p.m. You should plan to save any work and shut down your computer systems and exit buildings before the outages. Additionally, some buildings with power will be without phone or internet service.

Only the buildings listed will have their power shut off during the scheduled outages.

There will be two power outages:

Power Outage One

  • Begins: Wednesday, May 3, at 6 p.m.
  • Ends: Thursday, May 4, at 6 a.m.

Power Outage Two

  • Begins: Thursday, May 4, at 6 p.m.
  • Ends: Friday, May 5, at 6 a.m.

Buildings without power:

Administration Building
Chemical Sciences and Engineering Building
J. R. Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library
Memorial Union Building
Student Development Complex
John MacInnes Student Ice Arena
Advanced Technology Development Complex
Kearly Stadium
Gates Tennis Center

Buildings with power but no phone or internet:

Harold Meese Center
Central Heating Plant
Facilities Management
Alumni House
O’Connor House (Grad Commons)
Tech Trails

If there are questions or concerns with this plan, contact Energy Management or Facilities Management at 7-2303.

Film Board Presenting 'Elvis'

This week, the Film Board is presenting "Elvis," rated PG-13.

Summary: The life of American music icon Elvis Presley, from his childhood to becoming a rock and movie star in the 1950s while maintaining a complex relationship with his manager, Col. Tom Parker.


  • Friday, Feb. 24 — 5:30 p.m., 8:30 p.m., 11:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, Feb. 25 — 5:30 p.m., 8:30 p.m., 11:30 p.m.

Located on Michigan Tech's campus in Fisher 135.

Tickets are $3 and concessions are $1. We hope to see you at the movie this weekend and have a great day.

Call for Artists: 'Art in Silico' Juried Art Show

The inaugural “Art in Silico” is a computational art exhibition and event series that examines the expressive world of creative computation and the confluence of technology and art, connecting circuit board to canvas. As technology pervades our existence, forming new universes — metaverses — in which we can live, act and perceive, the spaces between the conventional science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines and the creative arts have shrunk to the infinitesimal. “Art in Silico” celebrates the continuum of arts and STEM, seeking to hack your mind and STEAM your brain to experience a world in which data are compelling, evocative, provocative, ugly, beautiful and appealing.

The deadline for submission is next Friday (March 3).

Pieces chosen for the exhibition will be required to be installed in their indicated location by March 13. Installations will be on display at Michigan Tech prior to the “Art in Silico” awards reception, which will be held at 5th & Elm at the Orpheum Theater on April 13.

Please see the Institute of Computing and Cybersystems’ Art in Silico page for more information!

Technical Presentation with AC Faculty Candidate Yili Ren

Department of Applied Computing (AC) faculty candidate Yili Ren will give a technical presentation Monday (Feb. 27) at 1 p.m. online via Zoom.

The title of Ren's talk is "Intelligent Wireless Systems: from Human Sensing to Object Detection."

Read more on the Computing News Blog.


Environmental Engineering Graduate Seminar

The next Environmental Engineering Graduate Seminar will take place at 3 p.m. on Monday (Feb. 27) in GLRC 202.

Jiehong Guo, assistant professor, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering, will present "Mass spectrometric quantitation of apurinic/apyrimidinic sites in DNA of mammalian cells exposed to tobacco-specific nitrosamines and nicotine products."

Read the abstract on the University Events Calendar.

Job Postings

Job Postings for Thursday, Feb. 23, 2023

Staff and faculty job descriptions are available on the Human Resources website. For more information regarding staff positions, call 487-2280 or email humanresources@mtu.edu. For more information regarding faculty positions, contact the academic department in which the position is posted.

Manager of Payroll, Human Resources. Apply online.

Sponsored Programs Analyst, Sponsored Programs Office. Apply online.

Michigan Technological University is an Equal Opportunity Educational Institution/Equal Opportunity Employer that provides equal opportunity for all, including protected veterans and individuals with disabilities.

Accommodations are available. If you require any auxiliary aids, services, or other accommodations to apply for employment, or for an interview, at Michigan Technological University, please notify the Human Resources office at 906-487-2280 or humanresources@mtu.edu.

In the News

​Kerri Gilbertson (CSMHW) and Dean of Students Wallace Southerland III were quoted by the Daily Mining Gazette in a story on a vigil held by Michigan Tech students Feb. 20 to support students after the Feb. 13 shooting at Michigan State University. Undergraduates Cheyenne Scott (biomedical engineering/social sciences, Andrea Endres (sustainability science and society) and Connor Ford (ecology) were quoted as well. 


Jared Anderson (VPA) was quoted by WJMN Local 3 and the Mining Journal in stories previewing the Michigan Tech Choir’s upcoming benefit concert, “Music for a Sacred Space.” The concert will take place Sunday (Feb. 26) at 7:30 p.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Lake Linden.


Junhong Min (COB) was mentioned by the Keweenaw Report in a story about the results of a quality of life survey given to Houghton residents.


Beth Maatta (PSPS) and Michigan Tech fraternity Lambda Chi Alpha were mentioned by the Mining Journal in a story about the annual Pigs N Heat fundraising hockey game. The story was picked up from the Daily Mining Gazette.


MLive mentioned Michigan Tech in a story discussing how Michigan’s Feb. 27, 2024, primary election date will affect college students.


Farm Progress mentioned Michigan Tech researchers as collaborators in a study that suggests soil moisture is the key determinant of how well soil stores carbon. The story was originally published by Oregon State University.


The Keweenaw Report ran a short story about Michigan Tech’s spring Career Fair, held yesterday at the Student Development Complex.


MLive mentioned Michigan Tech hockey in a story about the NCAA Division I Tournament chances for hockey programs across the state.


Scholarships Available

Sons and Daughters Scholarships
A reminder that Michigan Tech Employee Sons and Daughters Scholarship applications, valued at $100 each, are available for the 2023-24 academic year. Applicants must be children of Michigan Tech employees. Applications must be submitted by Tuesday (Feb. 28) and are available online.

LeAnn Becia Family/AFSCME Scholarships
Two $250 LeAnn Becia Family/AFSCME Scholarships are available for 2023-24. Applicants must be the son, daughter or spouse of a current AFSCME Local 1166 member. Applications, which must be submitted by Tuesday (Feb. 28), are available online.

Both scholarships require applicants be full-time Michigan Tech undergraduates in their first four years of study, or high school students planning to be enrolled for fall 2023.

For more information, contact the Financial Aid Office at 7-2622 or at scholarships@mtu.edu.


Husky Health Incentive Payout

Benefits-eligible employees who participated in Husky Health in 2022 and submitted a Husky Health Checklist will receive their elected incentive tomorrow (Feb. 24).

If you elected the Husky Health incentive as a payout in your HSA or FSA, you will see this reflected on your pay stub. Employees that elected the Husky Health incentive for a membership at the SDC, Mont Ripley or Portage Lake Golf Course will be able to redeem their incentive payout tomorrow or afterward.

Find out more information about Husky Health and other wellness benefits online. Questions? Contact the Benefits Office at benefits@mtu.edu or 7-2517.


Modern Language Spring Film Series: 'Balloon'

Today (Feb. 23), we are screening the first film in this year’s Modern Language Film Series, where we approach the theme of social justice. The first film shown is "Balloon," a German language film directed by Michael Herbig and released in 2018. Run time: 125 minutes.

Based on the true events of one of the most daring escapes of the Cold War, “Balloon” tells the story of two families living in Communist East Germany who sailed over the heavily fortified border in a homemade hot-air balloon.

The film will begin at 7 p.m. in Fisher 135. Each film will be subtitled in English. The screenings are open to the public.

Next films are:

  • “Synonyms” — French
    Screening: Thursday, March 16, at 7 p.m. in Fisher 135

  • “Identifying Features” — Spanish
    Screening: Thursday, March 23, at 7 p.m. in Fisher 135


Physics Colloquium: Grad Student Presentations

Physics graduate students will be presenting their research progress at this week's Physics Colloquium:

  • Elise Rosky (advised by Will Cantrell/Raymond Shaw)
  • Samuel Groetsch (advised by Petra Huentemeyer)

This will be an in-person event — the students will give their talks at 4 p.m. today (Feb. 23) in Fisher 139.

Event details, including the students' presentation titles and abstracts, are available on the University Events Calendar.


ChE Research Seminar with Catherine Majors

Catherine Majors will present as part of the Department of Chemical Engineering (ChE) Research Seminar Series tomorrow (Feb. 24) at 10 a.m. in person in Chem Sci 201 or virtually via Zoom.

Majors will present "What You Don’t Know Can Kill You: Improving Health Outcomes with Innovative Diagnostic Technologies."

Read the abstract on the University Events Calendar.

Majors is a National Research Service Award postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern University.


Graduate Research Colloquium: Sign Up Today!

GSG is thrilled to announce this year’s Graduate Research Colloquium (GRC) will be held March 29 and March 30. GRC offers a very special opportunity for graduate students to showcase their research across the campuswide community and also to work on their presentation skills for upcoming conferences. Students can give oral presentations, present posters or do both.

Poster presentations will be given March 29 at the Rozsa Center Lobby from 5-8 p.m. GSG will be taking care of printing posters this year. The oral presentations will take place March 29 and 30 in the MUB ballroom — each will be 12 minutes long followed by a Q&A session. All the presentations will be scored by judges from a similar field as the presenter. They will provide valuable insight and feedback on how the students can improve their presentations.

Cash prizes are available for the top three oral and poster presentations (first $300, second $200 and third $100).

Registration is open now and closes next Friday (March 3) at 11:59 p.m.

The GRC event will be capped off with the annual GRC Awards Banquet. All participants and judges are invited to attend. It will be held March 30 following the closing of the GRC.

Register using the GRC Registration Form. For more info visit our website.


This Week's C3 Luncheon

Menu for Thursday (Feb. 23):

  • Italian Sausage with Peppers and Onions (Gluten Friendly)
  • Spaghetti with Arrabiata Sauce (Vegan)
  • Garlic Bread (Vegan)
  • Seared Broccolini (Gluten Friendly, Vegan)
  • Citrus Beet Salad (Gluten Friendly, Vegan)

Dining Services presents this week's C3 Luncheon, being held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Memorial Union Alumni Lounge (MUB 107). All faculty and staff, along with their guests, are invited.

The C3 lunch buffet menus are created and prepared by executive chef Michael Landini and his culinary team. As the name suggests, the meals are meant to foster conversation, community and collegiality. Attendees may bring their lunch instead of purchasing the buffet. Fruit-infused water, coffee, tea, cookies and fruit are available free to all attendees.

The buffet lunch is $12 per person. Cash, credit cards and gift cards are accepted. Gift cards can be purchased in the Memorial Union office (MUB 101). You can submit C3 feedback using our Google form. To join the C3 Google group and receive weekly menus, email business-support@mtu.edu.


BioSci Seminar with Ryan Sponseller

Ryan Sponseller will present as part of the Department of Biological Sciences (BioSci) Seminar Series from 3-4 p.m. today (Feb. 23).

The seminar will be held virtually via Zoom (use passcode 046347).

Sponseller is an associate professor at Umeå University, Sweden. His presentation is titled “Land-water interactions and the fate of terrestrial carbon in boreal streams.”

From the abstract:
The transport of organic and inorganic carbon (C) across land-water interfaces is important for the C balance of regional landscapes and is central to the ecology and biogeochemistry of recipient aquatic ecosystems. In boreal landscapes, massive stores of organic matter in soils and peatlands can support large lateral fluxes of organic and inorganic C to streams and rivers. Yet, understanding the landscape controls over this supply and predicting the downstream fate of terrestrial C remain important research goals. In this seminar, I will synthesize ongoing research from the Krycklan Catchment in northern Sweden to illustrate how landscape properties regulate patterns of C supply across land-water boundaries, evaluate the degree to which aquatic processes (e.g., respiration) can shape the downstream fate of C, and explore how fine-scale hydrological connections with the surrounding catchment can facilitate such processes. Together, these insights will be used to broadly address the biogeochemical roles of streams and rivers in the boreal landscape and highlight key areas for future work.

Today's Campus Events

To have your event automatically appear, please submit them to the University Events Calendar.

Michigan Tech Art Presents: Me, You, and Us



Mentoring Across Differences

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Biological Science Seminar Series - Dr. Ryan Sponseller

Dr. Ryan Sponseller Associate Professor Department of Ecology and Environmental Science Umea University Land-water interactions and the fate of terrestrial carbon in...


Workshop: Software Carpentry in Python

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Physics Colloquium - Graduate Student Presentations (Rosky / Groetsch)

Please join physics graduate students, Elise Rosky, and Samuel Groetsch, for their in-person presentations Thursday, February 23rd at 4 PM - Fisher Hall 139. Molecular...


The Changing Landscape in Transportation Energy Utilization

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Adult Huskies Swim Lessons Spring 2023 Session 2

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Adult Huskies Swim Training Spring 2023 Session 2

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Outdoor Venture Crew Weekly Meeting

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Kentucky Alumni Social

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Living Room Conversations

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College of Engineering Hangout - Part 2

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Modern Languages Film Series 2023 - German movie

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Adult and Youth Huskies Tennis and Pickleball Lessons (Session 1)

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Tau Beta Pi Alumni Panel

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